]> asedeno.scripts.mit.edu Git - cl-protobufs.git/blob - text-format.lisp
Fix some user-reported bugs
[cl-protobufs.git] / text-format.lisp
1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2 ;;;                                                                  ;;;
3 ;;; Free Software published under an MIT-like license. See LICENSE   ;;;
4 ;;;                                                                  ;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (c) 2012 Google, Inc.  All rights reserved.            ;;;
6 ;;;                                                                  ;;;
7 ;;; Original author: Scott McKay                                     ;;;
8 ;;;                                                                  ;;;
9 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
11 (in-package "PROTO-IMPL")
14 ;;; Print objects using Protobufs text format
16 (defvar *suppress-line-breaks* nil
17   "When true, don't generate line breaks in the text format")
19 (defgeneric print-text-format (object &optional type &key stream suppress-line-breaks print-name)
20   (:documentation
21    "Prints the object 'object' of type 'type' onto the stream 'stream' using the
22     textual format.
23     If 'suppress-line-breaks' is true, all the output is put on a single line."))
25 (defmethod print-text-format (object &optional type
26                               &key (stream *standard-output*)
27                                    (suppress-line-breaks *suppress-line-breaks*) (print-name t))
28   (let* ((type    (or type (type-of object)))
29          (message (find-message-for-class type)))
30     (assert message ()
31             "There is no Protobuf message having the type ~S" type)
32     (macrolet ((read-slot (object slot reader)
33                  ;; Don't do a boundp check, we assume the object is fully populated
34                  ;; Unpopulated slots should be "nullable" and should contain nil
35                  `(if ,reader
36                     (funcall ,reader ,object)
37                     (slot-value ,object ,slot))))
38       (labels ((do-field (object trace indent field)
39                  ;; We don't do cycle detection here
40                  ;; If the client needs it, he can define his own 'print-text-format'
41                  ;; method to clean things up first
42                  (let* ((type   (if (eq (proto-class field) 'boolean) :bool (proto-class field)))
43                         (slot   (proto-value field))
44                         (reader (proto-reader field))
45                         msg)
46                    (when (or slot reader)
47                      (cond ((eq (proto-required field) :repeated)
48                             (cond ((keywordp type)
49                                    (map () #'(lambda (v)
50                                                (print-prim v type field stream
51                                                            (or suppress-line-breaks indent)))
52                                            (read-slot object slot reader)))
53                                   ((typep (setq msg (and type (or (find-message trace type)
54                                                                   (find-enum trace type)
55                                                                   (find-type-alias trace type))))
56                                           'protobuf-message)
57                                    (let ((values (if slot (read-slot object slot reader) (list object))))
58                                      (when values
59                                        (let ((indent (+ indent 2)))
60                                          (dolist (v values)
61                                            (if suppress-line-breaks
62                                              (format stream "~A { " (proto-name field))
63                                              (format stream "~&~VT~A {~%" indent (proto-name field)))
64                                            (map () (curry #'do-field v msg indent)
65                                                    (proto-fields msg))
66                                            (if suppress-line-breaks
67                                              (format stream "} ")
68                                              (format stream "~&~VT}~%" indent)))))))
69                                   ((typep msg 'protobuf-enum)
70                                    (map () #'(lambda (v)
71                                                (print-enum v msg field stream
72                                                            (or suppress-line-breaks indent)))
73                                            (read-slot object slot reader)))
74                                   ((typep msg 'protobuf-type-alias)
75                                    (let ((type (proto-proto-type msg)))
76                                      (map () #'(lambda (v)
77                                                  (let ((v (funcall (proto-serializer msg) v)))
78                                                    (print-prim v type field stream
79                                                                (or suppress-line-breaks indent))))
80                                              (read-slot object slot reader))))))
81                            (t
82                             (cond ((eq type :bool)
83                                    (let ((v (cond ((or (eq (proto-required field) :required)
84                                                        (null slot))
85                                                    (read-slot object slot reader))
86                                                   ((slot-boundp object slot)
87                                                    (read-slot object slot reader))
88                                                   (t :unbound))))
89                                      (unless (eq v :unbound)
90                                        (print-prim v type field stream
91                                                    (or suppress-line-breaks indent)))))
92                                   ((keywordp type)
93                                    (let ((v (read-slot object slot reader)))
94                                      (when v
95                                        (print-prim v type field stream
96                                                    (or suppress-line-breaks indent)))))
97                                   ((typep (setq msg (and type (or (find-message trace type)
98                                                                   (find-enum trace type)
99                                                                   (find-type-alias trace type))))
100                                           'protobuf-message)
101                                    (let ((v (if slot (read-slot object slot reader) object)))
102                                      (when v
103                                        (let ((indent (+ indent 2)))
104                                          (if suppress-line-breaks
105                                              (format stream "~A { " (proto-name field))
106                                              (format stream "~&~VT~A {~%" indent (proto-name field)))
107                                          (map () (curry #'do-field v msg indent)
108                                                  (proto-fields msg))
109                                          (if suppress-line-breaks
110                                              (format stream "} ")
111                                              (format stream "~&~VT}~%" indent))))))
112                                   ((typep msg 'protobuf-enum)
113                                    (let ((v (read-slot object slot reader)))
114                                      (when v
115                                        (print-enum v msg field stream
116                                                    (or suppress-line-breaks indent)))))
117                                   ((typep msg 'protobuf-type-alias)
118                                    (let ((v (read-slot object slot reader)))
119                                      (when v
120                                        (let ((v    (funcall (proto-serializer msg) v))
121                                              (type (proto-proto-type msg)))
122                                          (print-prim v type field stream
123                                                      (or suppress-line-breaks indent)))))))))))))
124         (declare (dynamic-extent #'do-field))
125         (if print-name
126           (if suppress-line-breaks
127             (format stream "~A { " (proto-name message))
128             (format stream "~&~A {~%" (proto-name message)))
129           (format stream "{"))
130         (map () (curry #'do-field object message 0) (proto-fields message))
131         (if suppress-line-breaks
132           (format stream "}")
133           (format stream "~&}~%"))
134         nil))))
136 (defun print-prim (val type field stream indent)
137   (when (or val (eq type :bool))
138     (if (eq indent 't)
139       (format stream "~A: " (proto-name field))
140       (format stream "~&~VT~A: " (+ indent 2) (proto-name field)))
141     (ecase type
142       ((:int32 :uint32 :int64 :uint64 :sint32 :sint64
143         :fixed32 :sfixed32 :fixed64 :sfixed64)
144        (format stream "~D" val))
145       ((:string)
146        (format stream "\"~A\"" val))
147       ((:bytes)
148        (format stream "~S" val))
149       ((:bool)
150        (format stream "~A" (if val "true" "false")))
151       ((:float :double)
152        (format stream "~D" val))
153       ;; A few of our homegrown types
154       ((:symbol)
155        (let ((val (if (keywordp val)
156                     (string val)
157                     (format nil "~A:~A" (package-name (symbol-package val)) (symbol-name val)))))
158          (format stream "\"~A\"" val)))
159       ((:date :time :datetime :timestamp)
160        (format stream "~D" val)))
161     (if (eq indent 't)
162       (format stream " ")
163       (format stream "~%"))))
165 (defun print-enum (val enum field stream indent)
166   (when val
167     (if (eq indent 't)
168       (format stream "~A: " (proto-name field))
169       (format stream "~&~VT~A: " (+ indent 2) (proto-name field)))
170     (let ((name (let ((e (find val (proto-values enum) :key #'proto-value)))
171                   (and e (proto-name e)))))
172       (format stream "~A" name)
173       (if (eq indent 't)
174         (format stream " ")
175         (format stream "~%")))))
178 ;;; Parse objects that were serialized using the text format
180 (defgeneric parse-text-format (type &key stream parse-name)
181   (:documentation
182    "Parses an object of type 'type' from the stream 'stream' using the textual format."))
184 (defmethod parse-text-format ((type symbol)
185                               &key (stream *standard-input*) (parse-name t))
186   (let ((message (find-message-for-class type)))
187     (assert message ()
188             "There is no Protobuf message having the type ~S" type)
189     (parse-text-format message :stream stream :parse-name parse-name)))
191 (defmethod parse-text-format ((message protobuf-message)
192                               &key (stream *standard-input*) (parse-name t))
193   (when parse-name
194     (let ((name (parse-token stream)))
195       (assert (string= name (proto-name message)) ()
196               "The message is not of the expected type ~A" (proto-name message))))
197   (labels ((deserialize (type trace)
198              (let* ((message (find-message trace type))
199                     (object  (and message
200                                   (make-instance (or (proto-alias-for message) (proto-class message)))))
201                     (rslots ()))
202                (expect-char stream #\{)
203                (loop
204                  (skip-whitespace stream)
205                  (when (eql (peek-char nil stream nil) #\})
206                    (read-char stream)
207                    (dolist (slot rslots)
208                      (setf (slot-value object slot) (nreverse (slot-value object slot))))
209                    (return-from deserialize object))
210                  (let* ((name  (parse-token stream))
211                         (field (and name (find-field message name)))
212                         (type  (and field (if (eq (proto-class field) 'boolean) :bool (proto-class field))))
213                         (slot  (and field (proto-value field)))
214                         msg)
215                    (if (null field)
216                      (skip-field stream)
217                      (cond ((and field (eq (proto-required field) :repeated))
218                             (cond ((keywordp type)
219                                    (expect-char stream #\:)
220                                    (let ((val (case type
221                                                 ((:float :double) (parse-float stream))
222                                                 ((:string) (parse-string stream))
223                                                 ((:bool)   (if (boolean-true-p (parse-token stream)) t nil))
224                                                 (otherwise (parse-signed-int stream)))))
225                                      (when slot
226                                        (pushnew slot rslots)
227                                        (push val (slot-value object slot)))))
228                                   ((typep (setq msg (and type (or (find-message trace type)
229                                                                   (find-enum trace type)
230                                                                   (find-type-alias trace type))))
231                                           'protobuf-message)
232                                    (when (eql (peek-char nil stream nil) #\:)
233                                      (read-char stream))
234                                    (let ((obj (deserialize type msg)))
235                                      (when slot
236                                        (pushnew slot rslots)
237                                        (push obj (slot-value object slot)))))
238                                   ((typep msg 'protobuf-enum)
239                                    (expect-char stream #\:)
240                                    (let* ((name (parse-token stream))
241                                           (enum (find name (proto-values msg) :key #'proto-name :test #'string=))
242                                           (val  (and enum (proto-value enum))))
243                                      (when slot
244                                        (pushnew slot rslots)
245                                        (push val (slot-value object slot)))))
246                                   ((typep msg 'protobuf-type-alias)
247                                    (let ((type (proto-proto-type msg)))
248                                      (expect-char stream #\:)
249                                      (let ((val (case type
250                                                   ((:float :double) (parse-float stream))
251                                                   ((:string) (parse-string stream))
252                                                   ((:bool)   (if (boolean-true-p (parse-token stream)) t nil))
253                                                   (otherwise (parse-signed-int stream)))))
254                                        (when slot
255                                          (pushnew slot rslots)
256                                          (push (funcall (proto-deserializer msg) val)
257                                                (slot-value object slot))))))))
258                            (t
259                             (cond ((keywordp type)
260                                    (expect-char stream #\:)
261                                    (let ((val (case type
262                                                 ((:float :double) (parse-float stream))
263                                                 ((:string) (parse-string stream))
264                                                 ((:bool)   (if (boolean-true-p (parse-token stream)) t nil))
265                                                 (otherwise (parse-signed-int stream)))))
266                                      (when slot
267                                        (setf (slot-value object slot) val))))
268                                   ((typep (setq msg (and type (or (find-message trace type)
269                                                                   (find-enum trace type)
270                                                                   (find-type-alias trace type))))
271                                           'protobuf-message)
272                                    (when (eql (peek-char nil stream nil) #\:)
273                                      (read-char stream))
274                                    (let ((obj (deserialize type msg)))
275                                      (when slot
276                                        (setf (slot-value object slot) obj))))
277                                   ((typep msg 'protobuf-enum)
278                                    (expect-char stream #\:)
279                                    (let* ((name (parse-token stream))
280                                           (enum (find name (proto-values msg) :key #'proto-name :test #'string=))
281                                           (val  (and enum (proto-value enum))))
282                                      (when slot
283                                        (setf (slot-value object slot) val))))
284                                   ((typep msg 'protobuf-type-alias)
285                                    (let ((type (proto-proto-type msg)))
286                                      (expect-char stream #\:)
287                                      (let ((val (case type
288                                                   ((:float :double) (parse-float stream))
289                                                   ((:string) (parse-string stream))
290                                                   ((:bool)   (if (boolean-true-p (parse-token stream)) t nil))
291                                                   (otherwise (parse-signed-int stream)))))
292                                        (when slot
293                                          (setf (slot-value object slot)
294                                                (funcall (proto-deserializer msg) val)))))))))))))))
295     (declare (dynamic-extent #'deserialize))
296     (deserialize (proto-class message) message)))
298 (defun skip-field (stream)
299   "Skip either a token or a balanced {}-pair."
300   (ecase (peek-char nil stream nil)
301     ((#\:)
302      (read-char stream)
303      (skip-whitespace stream)
304      (parse-token-or-string stream))
305     ((#\{)
306      (let ((depth 0))
307        (loop for ch = (read-char stream)
308              do (cond ((eql ch #\")
309                        (loop for ch0 = (read-char stream)
310                              until (eql ch0 #\")))
311                       ((eql ch #\{)
312                        (iincf depth))
313                       ((eql ch #\})
314                        (idecf depth)))
315              until (i= depth 0))))))