""" Calculate the total state of the books """ from bluechips import model from bluechips.model import meta from bluechips.model.types import Currency import sqlalchemy class DirtyBooks(Exception): """ If the books don't work out, raise this """ pass def debts(): # In this scheme, negative numbers represent money the house owes # the user, and positive numbers represent money the user owes the # house users = meta.Session.query(model.User) debts_dict = dict((u, Currency(0)) for u in users) # First, credit everyone for expenditures they've made total_expenditures = meta.Session.query(model.Expenditure).\ add_column(sqlalchemy.func.sum(model.Expenditure.amount).label('total_spend')).\ group_by(model.Expenditure.spender_id) for expenditure, total_spend in total_expenditures: debts_dict[expenditure.spender] -= total_spend # Next, debit everyone for expenditures that they have an # investment in (i.e. splits) total_splits = meta.Session.query(model.Split).\ add_column(sqlalchemy.func.sum(model.Split.share).label('total_split')).\ group_by(model.Split.user_id) for split, total_cents in total_splits: debts_dict[split.user] += total_cents # Finally, move transfers around appropriately # # To keep this from getting to be expensive, have SQL sum up # transfers for us transfer_q = meta.Session.query(model.Transfer).\ add_column(sqlalchemy.func.sum(model.Transfer.amount).label('total_amount')) total_debits = transfer_q.group_by(model.Transfer.debtor_id) total_credits = transfer_q.group_by(model.Transfer.creditor_id) for transfer, total_amount in total_debits: debts_dict[transfer.debtor] -= total_amount for transfer, total_amount in total_credits: debts_dict[transfer.creditor] += total_amount return debts_dict def settle(debts_dict): # This algorithm has been shamelessly stolen from Nelson Elhage's # implementation for our 2008 summer apartment. debts_list = [dict(who=user, amount=amount) for user, amount in \ debts_dict.iteritems()] #debts_list.sort(reverse=True, key=(lambda x: abs(x['amount']))) owes_list = [debt for debt in debts_list if debt['amount'] > 0] owed_list = [debt for debt in debts_list if debt['amount'] < 0] settle_list = [] while len(owes_list) > 0 and len(owed_list) > 0: owes_list.sort(reverse=True, key=(lambda x: abs(x['amount']))) owed_list.sort(reverse=True, key=(lambda x: abs(x['amount']))) owes = owes_list[0] owed = owed_list[0] sum = owes['amount'] + owed['amount'] if sum == 0: # Perfect balance! owes_list.pop(0) owed_list.pop(0) val = owes['amount'] elif sum > 0: # person in owes still owes money owes['amount'] += owed['amount'] owed_list.pop(0) val = -owed['amount'] else: # person in owed is owed more than owes has to give owed['amount'] += owes['amount'] owes_list.pop(0) val = owes['amount'] settle_list.append((owes['who'], owed['who'], val)) if len(owes_list) > 0: raise DirtyBooks, ("People still owe money", owes_list) if len(owed_list) > 0: raise DirtyBooks, ("People are still owed money", owed_list) return settle_list __all__ = ['debts', 'settle']