from user import User from split import Split from bluechips.model import meta from bluechips.model.types import Currency from decimal import Decimal import random class Expenditure(object): def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.spender, self.amount) def even_split(self): """ Split up an expenditure evenly among the resident users """ residents = meta.Session.query(User).filter(User.resident==True) split_percentage = Decimal(100) / Decimal(residents.count()) self.split(dict((resident, split_percentage) for resident in residents)) def split(self, split_dict): """ Split up an expenditure. split_dict should be a dict mapping from bluechips.model:User objects to a decimal:Decimal object representing the percentage that user is responsible for. Percentages will be normalized to sum to 100%. If the split leaks or gains money due to rounding errors, the pennies will be randomly distributed to one of the users. I mean, come on. You're already living together. Are you really going to squabble over a few pennies? """ map(meta.Session.delete, meta.Session.query(Split).\ filter_by( total = sum(split_dict.itervalues()) for user, share in split_dict.iteritems(): split_dict[user] = share / total amounts_dict = dict() for user, share in split_dict.iteritems(): amounts_dict[user] = Currency(split_dict[user] * self.amount) difference = self.amount - sum(amounts_dict.itervalues()) if difference > 0: for i in xrange(difference * 100): winner = random.choice(amounts_dict.keys()) amounts_dict[winner] += Currency(1) elif difference < 0: for i in xrange(difference * -100): winner = random.choice(amounts_dict.keys()) amounts_dict[winner] -= Currency(1) for user, share in amounts_dict.iteritems(): s = Split() s.expenditure = self s.user = user s.share = share __all__ = ['Expenditure']