""" Define special types used in BlueChips """ import locale from decimal import Decimal, InvalidOperation import sqlalchemy as sa from formencode import validators, Invalid from bluechips.lib.subclass import SmartSubclass from weakref import WeakValueDictionary def localeconv(): "Manually install en_US for systems that don't have it." d = {'currency_symbol': '$', 'decimal_point': '.', 'frac_digits': 2, 'grouping': [3, 3, 0], 'int_curr_symbol': 'USD ', 'int_frac_digits': 2, 'mon_decimal_point': '.', 'mon_grouping': [3, 3, 0], 'mon_thousands_sep': ',', 'n_cs_precedes': 1, 'n_sep_by_space': 0, 'n_sign_posn': 1, 'negative_sign': '-', 'p_cs_precedes': 1, 'p_sep_by_space': 0, 'p_sign_posn': 1, 'positive_sign': '', 'thousands_sep': ','} return d locale.localeconv = localeconv class CurrencyValidator(validators.FancyValidator): "A validator to convert to Currency objects." messages = {'amount': "Please enter a valid currency amount", 'precision': "Only two digits after the decimal, please"} def _to_python(self, value, state): try: dec = Decimal(value) except InvalidOperation: raise Invalid(self.message('amount', state), value, state) else: ret = dec.quantize(Decimal('1.00')) if ret != dec: raise Invalid(self.message('precision', state), value, state) else: return Currency(int(ret * 100)) class Currency(object): """ Store currency values as an integral number of cents """ __metaclass__ = SmartSubclass(int) __old_values__ = WeakValueDictionary() def __new__(cls, value): if value is None: value = 0 elif isinstance(value, str): value = int(float(value) * 100) else: value = int(value) if value not in cls.__old_values__: new_object = super(cls, cls).__new__(cls) new_object.value = value cls.__old_values__[value] = new_object return new_object else: return cls.__old_values__[value] def __int__(self): """ If I don't define this, SmartSubclass will return Currency(int(self.value)) """ return self.value def __float__(self): """ If I don't define this, SmartSubclass will return Currency(float(self.value)) """ return float(self.value) def __long__(self): """ If I don't define this, SmartSubclass will return Currency(long(self.value)) """ return long(self.value) def __cmp__(self, other): """ This is overridden for when validators compare a Currency to '' """ if other == '': return 1 else: return self.value.__cmp__(int(other)) def __mul__(self, other): """ If I don't define this, SmartSubclass will convert the other argument to an int """ return Currency(self.value * other) def __rmul__(self, other): """ If I don't define this, SmartSubclass will convert the other argument to an int """ return self.__mul__(other) def __str_no_dollar__(self): """ Get to the formatted string without the dollar sign """ return str(self).replace('$', '') def __repr__(self): return '%s("%s")' % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self)) def __str__(self): return locale.currency(self.value / 100., grouping=True) class DBCurrency(sa.types.TypeDecorator): """ A type which represents monetary amounts internally as integers. This avoids binary/decimal float conversion issues """ impl = sa.types.Integer def process_bind_param(self, value, engine): return int(value) def convert_result_value(self, value, engine): return Currency(value) process_result_value = convert_result_value