;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; Confidential and proprietary information of ITA Software, Inc. ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2012 ITA Software, Inc. All rights reserved. ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; Original author: Scott McKay ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (in-package "PROTO-IMPL") ;;; Protocol buffer defining macros ;; Define a schema named 'name', corresponding to a .proto file of that name (defmacro define-proto (name (&key proto-name syntax package import options documentation) &body messages &environment env) "Define a schema named 'name', corresponding to a .proto file of that name. 'proto-name' can be used to override the defaultly generated name. 'syntax' and 'package' are as they would be in a .proto file. 'imports' is a list of pathname strings to be imported. 'options' is a property list, i.e., (\"key1\" \"val1\" \"key2\" \"val2\" ...). The body consists of 'define-enum', 'define-message' or 'define-service' forms." (with-collectors ((enums collect-enum) (msgs collect-msg) (svcs collect-svc) (forms collect-form)) (dolist (msg messages) (assert (and (listp msg) (member (car msg) '(define-enum define-message define-service))) () "The body of ~S must be one of ~{~S~^ or ~}" 'define-proto '(define-enum define-message define-service)) ;; The macro-expander will return a form that consists ;; of 'progn' followed by a symbol naming what we've expanded ;; (define-enum, define-message, define-service), followed by ;; by a (optional) Lisp defining form (deftype, defclass), ;; followed by a form that creates the model object (destructuring-bind (&optional progn type model definers) (macroexpand-1 msg env) (assert (eq progn 'progn) () "The macroexpansion for ~S failed" msg) (map () #'collect-form definers) (ecase type ((define-enum) (collect-enum model)) ((define-message) (collect-msg model)) ((define-service) (collect-svc model))))) (let ((vname (fintern "*~A*" name)) (pname (or proto-name (class-name->proto name))) (cname name) (options (loop for (key val) on options by #'cddr collect `(make-instance 'protobuf-option :name ,key :value ,val)))) `(progn ,@forms (defvar ,vname nil) (let ((old ,vname) (protobuf (make-instance 'protobuf :name ',pname :class ',cname :package ,(if (stringp package) package (string-downcase (string package))) :imports ',(if (listp import) import (list import)) :syntax ,syntax :options (list ,@options) :enums (list ,@enums) :messages (list ,@msgs) :services (list ,@svcs) :documentation ,documentation))) (when old (multiple-value-bind (upgradable warnings) (protobuf-upgradable old protobuf) (unless upgradable (protobufs-warn "The old schema for ~S (~A) can't be safely upgraded; proceeding anyway" ',cname ',pname) (map () #'protobufs-warn warnings)))) (setq ,vname protobuf) (setf (gethash ',pname *all-protobufs*) protobuf) (setf (gethash ',cname *all-protobufs*) protobuf) protobuf))))) ;; Define an enum type named 'name' and a Lisp 'deftype' (defmacro define-enum (name (&key proto-name conc-name options documentation) &body values) "Define an enum type named 'name' and a Lisp 'deftype'. 'proto-name' can be used to override the defaultly generated Protobufs name. 'conc-name' will be used as the prefix to the Lisp enum names, if it's supplied. 'options' is a set of keyword/value pairs, both of which are strings. The body consists of the enum values in the form (name &key index)." (with-collectors ((vals collect-val) (evals collect-eval) (forms collect-form)) (let ((index 0)) (dolist (val values) (let* ((idx (if (listp val) (second val) (incf index))) (name (if (listp val) (first val) val)) (val-name (kintern (if conc-name (format nil "~A~A" conc-name name) (symbol-name name)))) (enum-name (if conc-name (format nil "~A~A" conc-name name) (symbol-name name)))) (collect-val val-name) (collect-eval `(make-instance 'protobuf-enum-value :name ,(enum-name->proto enum-name) :index ,idx :value ,val-name))))) (collect-form `(deftype ,name () '(member ,@vals))) (let ((options (loop for (key val) on options by #'cddr collect `(make-instance 'protobuf-option :name ,key :value ,val)))) `(progn define-enum (make-instance 'protobuf-enum :name ,(or proto-name (class-name->proto name)) :class ',name :options (list ,@options) :values (list ,@evals) :documentation ,documentation) ,forms)))) ;; Define a message named 'name' and a Lisp 'defclass' (defmacro define-message (name (&key proto-name conc-name class options documentation) &body fields &environment env) "Define a message named 'name' and a Lisp 'defclass'. 'proto-name' can be used to override the defaultly generated Protobufs name. The body consists of fields, or 'define-enum' or 'define-message' forms. 'conc-name' will be used as the prefix to the Lisp slot accessors, if it's supplied. If 'class' is given, no Lisp class is defined. This feature is intended to be used to model messsages that will be serialized from existing Lisp classes; it's likely thet trying to deserialize into Lisp object won't work. 'options' is a set of keyword/value pairs, both of which are strings. Fields take the form (name &key type default reader) 'name' can be either a symbol giving the field name, or a list whose first element is the field name and whose second element is the index." (with-collectors ((enums collect-enum) (msgs collect-msg) (flds collect-field) (slots collect-slot) (forms collect-form)) (let ((index 0)) (declare (type fixnum index)) (dolist (fld fields) (case (car fld) ((define-enum define-message define-extension) (destructuring-bind (&optional progn type model definers) (macroexpand-1 fld env) (assert (eq progn 'progn) () "The macroexpansion for ~S failed" fld) (map () #'collect-form definers) (ecase type ((define-enum) (collect-enum model)) ((define-message) (collect-msg model)) ((define-extension) (collect-msg model))))) (otherwise (when (i= index 18999) ;skip over the restricted range (setq index 19999)) (destructuring-bind (slot &key type default reader) fld (let* ((idx (if (listp slot) (second slot) (iincf index))) (slot (if (listp slot) (first slot) slot)) (reqd (clos-type-to-protobuf-required type)) (accessor (intern (if conc-name (format nil "~A~A" conc-name slot) (symbol-name slot)) (symbol-package slot)))) (multiple-value-bind (ptype pclass) (clos-type-to-protobuf-type type) (collect-slot `(,slot :type ,type :accessor ,accessor :initarg ,(kintern (symbol-name slot)) ,@(and default (list :initform default)))) (collect-field `(make-instance 'protobuf-field :name ,(slot-name->proto slot) :type ,ptype :class ',pclass :required ,reqd :index ,idx :value ',slot :reader ',reader :default ,(and default (format nil "~A" default)) :packed ,(and (eq reqd :repeated) (packed-type-p pclass))))))))))) (unless class (collect-form `(defclass ,name () (,@slots)))) (let ((options (loop for (key val) on options by #'cddr collect `(make-instance 'protobuf-option :name ,key :value ,val)))) `(progn define-message (make-instance 'protobuf-message :name ,(or proto-name (class-name->proto name)) :class ',(or class name) :conc-name ,(and conc-name (string conc-name)) :options (list ,@options) :enums (list ,@enums) :messages (list ,@msgs) :fields (list ,@flds) :documentation ,documentation) ,forms)))) (defmacro define-extension (from to) "Define an extension range within a message. The \"body\" is the start and end of the range, both inclusive." `(progn define-extension (make-instance 'protobuf-extension :from ,from :to ,to) ())) ;; Define a service named 'name' with generic functions declared for ;; each of the RPCs within the service (defmacro define-service (name (&key proto-name options documentation) &body rpc-specs) "Define a service named 'name' and a Lisp 'defgeneric'. 'proto-name' can be used to override the defaultly generated Protobufs name. 'options' is a set of keyword/value pairs, both of which are strings. The body is a set of RPC specs of the form (name (input-type output-type) &key options)." (with-collectors ((rpcs collect-rpc) (forms collect-form)) (dolist (rpc rpc-specs) (destructuring-bind (name (input-class output-class) &key options) rpc (let ((options (loop for (key val) on options by #'cddr collect `(make-instance 'protobuf-option :name ,key :value ,val)))) (collect-rpc `(make-instance 'protobuf-rpc :name ,(class-name->proto name) :class ',name :input-type ,(and input-class (class-name->proto input-class)) :input-class ',input-class :output-type ,(and output-class (class-name->proto output-class)) :output-class ',output-class :options (list ,@options))) ;;--- Is this really all we need as the stub for the RPC? (collect-form `(defgeneric ,name (,@(and input-class (list input-class))) (declare (values ,output-class))))))) (let ((options (loop for (key val) on options by #'cddr collect `(make-instance 'protobuf-option :name ,key :value ,val)))) `(progn define-service (make-instance 'protobuf-service :name ,(or proto-name (class-name->proto name)) :class ',name :options (list ,@options) :rpcs (list ,@rpcs) :documentation ,documentation) ,forms))))