;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; Confidential and proprietary information of ITA Software, Inc. ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2012 ITA Software, Inc. All rights reserved. ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; Original author: Scott McKay ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (in-package "PROTO-IMPL") ;;; Some examples; also for some for manual testing #|| ;; A pretty useful subset of air schedule objects (setq sched-schema (proto:generate-schema-for-classes '(quux::zoned-time sched::scheduled-flight sched::flight-designator sched::flight-key sched::scheduled-segment sched::segment-key sched::subsegment-key sched::scheduled-leg sched::leg-key sched::revision-entry) :package :qres-sched :slot-filter #'quake::quake-slot-filter :type-filter #'quake::quake-type-filter :enum-filter #'quake::quake-enum-filter :value-filter #'quake::quake-value-filter)) (proto:write-schema sched-schema) (proto:write-schema sched-schema :type :lisp) ||# #|| ;; A pretty useful subset of geographic business data (defclass geodata () ;; This one stores the data in lists ((countries :type (proto:list-of qres-core::country) :initform () :initarg :countries) (regions :type (proto:list-of qres-core::region) :initform () :initarg :regions) (cities :type (proto:list-of qres-core::city) :initform () :initarg :cities) (airports :type (proto:list-of qres-core::airport) :initform () :initarg :airports))) (defclass geodata-v () ;; This one stores the data in vectors ((countries :type (proto:vector-of qres-core::country) :initform #() :initarg :countries) (regions :type (proto:vector-of qres-core::region) :initform #() :initarg :regions) (cities :type (proto:vector-of qres-core::city) :initform #() :initarg :cities) (airports :type (proto:vector-of qres-core::airport) :initform #() :initarg :airports))) (setq *geodata* (proto:generate-schema-for-classes '(qres-core::country qres-core::region qres-core::region-key qres-core::city qres-core::airport qres-core::timezone qres-core::tz-variation qres-core::currency qres-core::country-currencies qres-core::carrier geodata geodata-v) :install t)) (proto:write-schema *geodata*) (proto:write-schema *geodata* :type :lisp) ;; Load the data (let* ((countries (loop for v being the hash-values of (qres-core::country-business-data) collect (car v))) (regions (loop for v being the hash-values of (qres-core::region-business-data) collect v)) (cities (loop for v being the hash-values of (qres-core::city-business-data) collect (car v))) (airports (loop for v being the hash-values of (car (qres-core::airport-business-data)) collect (car v)))) (setq geodata (make-instance 'geodata :countries countries :regions regions :cities cities :airports airports) geodata-v (make-instance 'geodata-v :countries (make-array (length countries) :fill-pointer t :initial-contents countries) :regions (make-array (length regions) :fill-pointer t :initial-contents regions) :cities (make-array (length cities) :fill-pointer t :initial-contents cities) :airports (make-array (length airports) :fill-pointer t :initial-contents airports)))) (dolist (class '(qres-core::country qres-core::region qres-core::region-key qres-core::city qres-core::airport qres-core::timezone qres-core::tz-variation qres-core::currency qres-core::country-currencies qres-core::carrier geodata geodata-v)) (let ((message (proto-impl:find-message *geodata* class))) (eval (proto-impl:generate-object-size message)) (eval (proto-impl:generate-serializer message)) (eval (proto-impl:generate-deserializer message)))) (time (progn (setq gser (proto:serialize-object-to-stream geodata 'geodata :stream nil)) nil)) (time (proto:deserialize-object 'geodata gser)) (equalp gser (proto:serialize-object-to-stream (proto:deserialize-object 'geodata gser) 'geodata :stream nil)) (time (progn (setq gser-v (proto:serialize-object-to-stream geodata-v 'geodata-v :stream nil)) nil)) (time (proto:deserialize-object 'geodata-v gser-v)) (equalp gser-v (proto:serialize-object-to-stream (proto:deserialize-object 'geodata-v gser-v) 'geodata-v :stream nil)) (equalp gser gser-v) ||# #|| ;; Lisp lists :-) (proto:define-schema typed-list () (proto:define-message typed-list () (string-car :type (or null string) :reader string-car) (symbol-car :type (or null string) :reader symbol-car) (integer-car :type (or null integer) :reader integer-car) (float-car :type (or null single-float) :reader float-car) (list-car :type (or null typed-list) :reader list-car) (list-cdr :type (or null typed-list) :reader list-cdr))) (defun string-car (x) (and (stringp (car x)) (car x))) (defun symbol-car (x) (and (symbolp (car x)) (symbol-name (car x)))) (defun integer-car (x) (and (integerp (car x)) (car x))) (defun float-car (x) (and (floatp (car x)) (car x))) (defun list-car (x) (etypecase (car x) ((or string symbol integer float) nil) (list (car x)))) (defun list-cdr (x) (assert (listp (cdr x)) ()) (cdr x)) (let ((list '("this" "is" "a" ("nested" "test")))) (proto:serialize-object-to-stream list 'typed-list :stream nil) (proto:print-text-format list 'typed-list) (proto:print-text-format list 'typed-list :suppress-line-breaks t) (let ((text (with-output-to-string (s) (proto:print-text-format list 'typed-list :stream s)))) (with-input-from-string (s text) (proto:parse-text-format 'typed-list :stream s)))) (let ((list '((1 one) (2 two) (3 three)))) (proto:serialize-object-to-stream list 'typed-list :stream nil) (proto:print-text-format list 'typed-list) (proto:print-text-format list 'typed-list :suppress-line-breaks t) (let ((text (with-output-to-string (s) (proto:print-text-format list 'typed-list :stream s)))) (with-input-from-string (s text) (proto:parse-text-format 'typed-list :stream s)))) ||# #|| ;; Extension example (proto:define-schema color-wheel (:package color-wheel :optimize :speed :documentation "Color wheel example") (proto:define-message color-wheel (:conc-name color-wheel-) (name :type string) (colors :type (proto:list-of color) :default ())) (proto:define-message color (:conc-name color- :documentation "A (named) color") (name :type (or string null)) (r-value :type integer) (g-value :type integer) (b-value :type integer) (proto:define-extension 1000 max)) (proto:define-extend color () ((opacity 1000) :type (or null integer))) (proto:define-message get-color-request () (wheel :type color-wheel) (name :type string)) (proto:define-message add-color-request () (wheel :type color-wheel) (color :type color)) (proto:define-service color-wheel () (get-color (get-color-request color) :options ("deadline" 1.0) :documentation "Look up a color by name") (add-color (add-color-request color) :options ("deadline" 1.0) :documentation "Add a new color to the wheel"))) (proto:write-schema *color-wheel*) (proto:write-schema *color-wheel* :type :lisp) (let* ((wheel (make-instance 'color-wheel :name "Colors")) (color1 (make-instance 'color :r-value 100 :g-value 0 :b-value 100)) (rqst1 (make-instance 'add-color-request :wheel wheel :color color1)) (color2 (make-instance 'color :r-value 100 :g-value 0 :b-value 100)) (rqst2 (make-instance 'add-color-request :wheel wheel :color color2))) (setf (color-opacity color2) 50) (progn (format t "~2&Unextended (has-extension ~S)~%" (has-extension color1 'opacity)) (let ((ser1 (proto:serialize-object-to-stream rqst1 'add-color-request :stream nil))) (print ser1) (proto:print-text-format rqst1) (proto:print-text-format (proto:deserialize-object 'add-color-request ser1)))) (progn (format t "~2&Extended (has-extension ~S)~%" (has-extension color2 'opacity)) (let ((ser2 (proto:serialize-object-to-stream rqst2 'add-color-request :stream nil))) (print ser2) (proto:print-text-format rqst2) (proto:print-text-format (proto:deserialize-object 'add-color-request ser2))))) ||# #|| ;; Group example (proto:define-schema color-wheel1 (:package color-wheel ;; :optimize :speed :documentation "Color wheel example, with nested message") (proto:define-message color-wheel1 () (proto:define-message metadata1 () (author :type (or null string)) (revision :type (or null string)) (date :type (or null string))) (name :type string) (colors :type (list-of color1)) (metadata1 :type (or null metadata1))) (proto:define-message color1 () (name :type (or null string)) (r-value :type integer) (g-value :type integer) (b-value :type integer)) (proto:define-message add-color1 () (wheel :type color-wheel1) (color :type color1))) (proto:define-schema color-wheel2 (:package color-wheel ;; :optimize :speed :documentation "Color wheel example, with group") (proto:define-message color-wheel2 () (name :type string) (colors :type (list-of color2)) (proto:define-group metadata2 (:index 3 :arity :optional) (author :type (or null string)) (revision :type (or null string)) (date :type (or null string)))) (proto:define-message color2 () (name :type (or null string)) (r-value :type integer) (g-value :type integer) (b-value :type integer)) (proto:define-message add-color2 () (wheel :type color-wheel2) (color :type color2))) (proto:write-schema *color-wheel1*) (proto:write-schema *color-wheel2*) (let* ((meta1 (make-instance 'metadata1 :revision "1.0")) (wheel1 (make-instance 'color-wheel1 :name "Colors" :metadata1 meta1)) (color1 (make-instance 'color1 :r-value 100 :g-value 0 :b-value 100)) (rqst1 (make-instance 'add-color1 :wheel wheel1 :color color1)) (meta2 (make-instance 'metadata2 :revision "1.0")) (wheel2 (make-instance 'color-wheel2 :name "Colors" :metadata2 meta2)) (color2 (make-instance 'color2 :r-value 100 :g-value 0 :b-value 100)) (rqst2 (make-instance 'add-color2 :wheel wheel2 :color color2))) (progn (format t "~2&Nested") (let ((ser1 (proto:serialize-object-to-stream rqst1 'add-color1 :stream nil))) (print ser1) (proto:print-text-format rqst1) (proto:print-text-format (proto:deserialize-object 'add-color1 ser1)))) (progn (format t "~2&Group") (let ((ser2 (proto:serialize-object-to-stream rqst2 'add-color2 :stream nil))) (print ser2) (proto:print-text-format rqst2) (proto:print-text-format (proto:deserialize-object 'add-color2 ser2))))) ||#