;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; Confidential and proprietary information of ITA Software, Inc. ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2012 ITA Software, Inc. All rights reserved. ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; Original author: Scott McKay ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (in-package "PROTO-IMPL") ;;; Examples, for manual testing ;;--- Turn these into a test suite #|| (setq cschema (proto:write-protobuf-schema-for-classes '(qres-core::legacy-pnr qres-core::legacy-pnr-pax qres-core::legacy-pnr-segment qres-core::legacy-pnr-pax-segment) :slot-filter #'quake::quake-slot-filter :type-filter #'quake::quake-type-filter :enum-filter #'quake::quake-enum-filter :value-filter #'quake::quake-value-filter)) (proto:serialize-object-to-stream pnr cschema :stream nil) ||# #|| (defclass geodata () ((countries :type (list-of qres-core::country) :initform () :initarg :countries) (regions :type (list-of qres-core::region) :initform () :initarg :regions) (cities :type (list-of qres-core::city) :initform () :initarg :cities) (airports :type (list-of qres-core::airport) :initform () :initarg :airports))) (setq bdschema (proto:write-protobuf-schema-for-classes '(qres-core::country qres-core::region qres-core::region-key qres-core::city qres-core::airport qres-core::timezone qres-core::tz-variation qres-core::carrier qres-core::currency qres-core::country-currencies geodata))) (dolist (class '(qres-core::country qres-core::region qres-core::region-key qres-core::city qres-core::airport qres-core::timezone qres-core::tz-variation qres-core::carrier qres-core::currency qres-core::country-currencies geodata)) (eval (generate-object-size bdschema (find-message-for-class bdschema class))) (eval (generate-serializer bdschema (find-message-for-class bdschema class))) (eval (generate-deserializer bdschema (find-message-for-class bdschema class)))) (let* ((countries (loop for v being the hash-values of (qres-core::country-business-data) collect (car v))) (regions (loop for v being the hash-values of (qres-core::region-business-data) collect v)) (cities (loop for v being the hash-values of (qres-core::city-business-data) collect (car v))) (airports (loop for v being the hash-values of (car (qres-core::airport-business-data)) collect (car v)))) (setq geodata (make-instance 'geodata :countries countries :regions regions :cities cities :airports airports))) (setq gser (proto:serialize-object-to-stream geodata bdschema :stream nil)) (proto:deserialize-object 'geodata bdschema gser 0) (equalp gser (proto:serialize-object-to-stream (proto:deserialize-object 'geodata bdschema gser 0) bdschema :stream nil)) ||# #|| (setq pschema (proto:write-protobuf-schema-for-classes '(proto:protobuf proto:protobuf-option proto:protobuf-enum proto:protobuf-enum-value proto:protobuf-message proto:protobuf-field proto:protobuf-extension proto:protobuf-service proto:protobuf-rpc))) (proto:write-protobuf pschema) (proto:write-protobuf pschema :type :lisp) (setq pser (proto:serialize-object-to-stream pschema pschema :stream nil)) (describe (proto:deserialize-object 'proto:protobuf pschema pser 0)) (proto:print-text-format pschema pschema) (proto:print-text-format (proto:deserialize-object 'proto:protobuf pschema pser 0) pschema) (eval (generate-object-size pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf))) (eval (generate-object-size pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-option))) (eval (generate-object-size pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-enum))) (eval (generate-object-size pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-enum-value))) (eval (generate-object-size pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-message))) (eval (generate-object-size pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-field))) (eval (generate-object-size pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-extension))) (eval (generate-object-size pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-service))) (eval (generate-object-size pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-rpc))) (eval (generate-serializer pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf))) (eval (generate-serializer pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-option))) (eval (generate-serializer pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-enum))) (eval (generate-serializer pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-enum-value))) (eval (generate-serializer pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-message))) (eval (generate-serializer pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-field))) (eval (generate-serializer pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-extension))) (eval (generate-serializer pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-service))) (eval (generate-serializer pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-rpc))) (eval (generate-deserializer pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf))) (eval (generate-deserializer pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-option))) (eval (generate-deserializer pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-enum))) (eval (generate-deserializer pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-enum-value))) (eval (generate-deserializer pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-message))) (eval (generate-deserializer pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-field))) (eval (generate-deserializer pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-extension))) (eval (generate-deserializer pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-service))) (eval (generate-deserializer pschema (find-message-for-class pschema 'proto:protobuf-rpc))) ||# #|| (defclass proto-test1 () ((intval :type (integer -2147483648 +2147483647) :initarg :intval))) (defclass proto-test2 () ((intval :type (or null (integer -2147483648 +2147483647)) :initform nil :initarg :intval) (strval :type (or null string) :initform nil :initarg :strval))) (defclass proto-test3 () ((intval :type (or null (integer -2147483648 +2147483647)) :initform nil :initarg :intval) (strval :type (or null string) :initform nil :initarg :strval) (recval :type (or null proto-test1) :initform nil :initarg :recval))) (defclass proto-test4 () ((intval :type (or null (integer -2147483648 +2147483647)) :initform nil :initarg :intval) (strval :type (or null string) :initform nil :initarg :strval) (recval :type (or null proto-test2) :initform nil :initarg :recval))) (defclass proto-test5 () ((color :type (member :red :green :blue) :initarg :color) (intvals :type (list-of integer) :initform () :initarg :intvals) (strvals :type (list-of string) :initform () :initarg :strvals))) (setq tschema (proto:write-protobuf-schema-for-classes '(proto-test1 proto-test2 proto-test3 proto-test4 proto-test5))) (proto:write-protobuf tschema) (proto:write-protobuf tschema :type :lisp) (eval (generate-object-size tschema (find-message-for-class tschema 'proto-test1))) (eval (generate-object-size tschema (find-message-for-class tschema 'proto-test2))) (eval (generate-object-size tschema (find-message-for-class tschema 'proto-test3))) (eval (generate-object-size tschema (find-message-for-class tschema 'proto-test4))) (eval (generate-object-size tschema (find-message-for-class tschema 'proto-test5))) (eval (generate-serializer tschema (find-message-for-class tschema 'proto-test1))) (eval (generate-serializer tschema (find-message-for-class tschema 'proto-test2))) (eval (generate-serializer tschema (find-message-for-class tschema 'proto-test3))) (eval (generate-serializer tschema (find-message-for-class tschema 'proto-test4))) (eval (generate-serializer tschema (find-message-for-class tschema 'proto-test5))) (eval (generate-deserializer tschema (find-message-for-class tschema 'proto-test1))) (eval (generate-deserializer tschema (find-message-for-class tschema 'proto-test2))) (eval (generate-deserializer tschema (find-message-for-class tschema 'proto-test3))) (eval (generate-deserializer tschema (find-message-for-class tschema 'proto-test4))) (eval (generate-deserializer tschema (find-message-for-class tschema 'proto-test5))) (setq test1 (make-instance 'proto-test1 :intval 150)) (setq test2 (make-instance 'proto-test2 :strval "testing")) (setq test3 (make-instance 'proto-test3 :recval test1)) (setq test4 (make-instance 'proto-test4 :recval test2)) (setq test5 (make-instance 'proto-test5 :color :red :intvals '(2 3 5 7) :strvals '("two" "three" "five" "seven"))) (setq tser1 (proto:serialize-object-to-stream test1 tschema :stream nil)) (equalp tser1 #(#x08 #x96 #x01)) (describe (proto:deserialize-object 'proto-test1 tschema tser1 0)) (setq tser2 (proto:serialize-object-to-stream test2 tschema :stream nil)) (equalp tser2 #(#x12 #x07 #x74 #x65 #x73 #x74 #x69 #x6E #x67)) (describe (proto:deserialize-object 'proto-test2 tschema tser2 0)) (setq tser3 (proto:serialize-object-to-stream test3 tschema :stream nil)) (equalp tser3 #(#x1A #x03 #x08 #x96 #x01)) (describe (proto:deserialize-object 'proto-test3 tschema tser3 0)) (describe (slot-value (proto:deserialize-object 'proto-test3 tschema tser3 0) 'recval)) (setq tser4 (proto:serialize-object-to-stream test4 tschema :stream nil)) (equalp tser4 #(#x1A #x09 #x12 #x07 #x74 #x65 #x73 #x74 #x69 #x6E #x67)) (describe (proto:deserialize-object 'proto-test4 tschema tser4 0)) (describe (slot-value (proto:deserialize-object 'proto-test4 tschema tser4 0) 'recval)) (setq tser5 (proto:serialize-object-to-stream test5 tschema :stream nil)) (equalp tser5 #(#x08 #x01 #x10 #x04 #x02 #x03 #x05 #x07 #x1A #x03 #x74 #x77 #x6F #x1A #x05 #x74 #x68 #x72 #x65 #x65 #x1A #x04 #x66 #x69 #x76 #x65 #x1A #x05 #x73 #x65 #x76 #x65 #x6E)) (describe (proto:deserialize-object 'proto-test5 tschema tser5 0)) (equalp (mapcar #'proto-impl:zig-zag-encode32 '(0 -1 1 -2 2 -2147483648 2147483647)) '(0 1 2 3 4 4294967295 4294967294)) (equalp (mapcar #'proto-impl:zig-zag-encode64 '(0 -1 1 -2 2 -2147483648 2147483647 -1152921504606846976 1152921504606846975)) '(0 1 2 3 4 4294967295 4294967294 2305843009213693951 2305843009213693950)) (proto:print-text-format test1 tschema) (proto:print-text-format (proto:deserialize-object 'proto-test1 tschema tser1 0) tschema) (proto:print-text-format test2 tschema) (proto:print-text-format (proto:deserialize-object 'proto-test2 tschema tser2 0) tschema) (proto:print-text-format test3 tschema) (proto:print-text-format (proto:deserialize-object 'proto-test3 tschema tser3 0) tschema) (proto:print-text-format test4 tschema) (proto:print-text-format (proto:deserialize-object 'proto-test4 tschema tser4 0) tschema) (proto:print-text-format test5 tschema) (proto:print-text-format (proto:deserialize-object 'proto-test5 tschema tser5 0) tschema) ||# #|| (let* ((enums (list (make-instance 'proto:protobuf-enum :name "ColorName" :values (list (make-instance 'proto:protobuf-enum-value :name "RED" :index 1 :value :red) (make-instance 'proto:protobuf-enum-value :name "GREEN" :index 2 :value :green) (make-instance 'proto:protobuf-enum-value :name "BLUE" :index 3 :value :blue))))) (msgs (list (make-instance 'proto:protobuf-message :name "Color" :enums (list (make-instance 'proto:protobuf-enum :name "ContrastName" :values (list (make-instance 'proto:protobuf-enum-value :name "LOW" :index 1 :value :high) (make-instance 'proto:protobuf-enum-value :name "HIGH" :index 100 :value :low)))) :fields (list (make-instance 'proto:protobuf-field :name "color" :type "ColorName" :required :required :index 1) (make-instance 'proto:protobuf-field :name "contrast" :type "ContrastName" :required :optional :index 2 :default "LOW"))))) (rpcs (list (make-instance 'proto:protobuf-rpc :name "GetColor" :input-type nil :output-type "Color") (make-instance 'proto:protobuf-rpc :name "SetColor" :input-type "Color" :output-type "Color" :options (list (make-instance 'protobuf-option :name "deadline" :value "1.0"))))) (svcs (list (make-instance 'proto:protobuf-service :name "ColorWheel" :rpcs rpcs))) (proto (make-instance 'proto:protobuf :package "ita.color" :imports '("descriptor.proto") :enums enums :messages msgs :services svcs))) ;; The output should be example the same as the output of 'write-protobuf' below (proto:write-protobuf proto)) ||# #|| (proto:define-proto color-wheel (:package ita.color :import "descriptor.proto" :documentation "Color wheel example") (proto:define-enum color-name (:documentation "A color name") red green blue) (proto:define-message color (:conc-name color- :documentation "Color and contrast") (proto:define-enum contrast-name (:documentation "A contrast name") (low 1) (high 100)) (color :type color-name) (contrast :type (or null contrast-name) :default :low)) (proto:define-service color-wheel (:documentation "Get and set colors") (get-color (nil color)) (set-color (color color) :options ("deadline" "1.0")))) => (PROGN (DEFTYPE COLOR-NAME () '(MEMBER :RED :GREEN :BLUE)) (DEFTYPE CONTRAST-NAME () '(MEMBER :LOW :HIGH)) (DEFCLASS COLOR () ((COLOR :TYPE COLOR-NAME :ACCESSOR COLOR-COLOR :INITARG :COLOR) (CONTRAST :TYPE (OR NULL CONTRAST-NAME) :ACCESSOR COLOR-CONTRAST :INITARG :CONTRAST :INITFORM :LOW))) (DEFVAR *COLOR-WHEEL* (MAKE-INSTANCE 'PROTOBUF :NAME "ColorWheel" :CLASS 'COLOR-WHEEL :PACKAGE "ita.color" :IMPORTS '("descriptor.proto") :SYNTAX "proto2" :OPTIONS () :ENUMS (LIST (MAKE-INSTANCE 'PROTOBUF-ENUM :NAME "ColorName" :CLASS 'COLOR-NAME :VALUES (LIST (MAKE-INSTANCE 'PROTOBUF-ENUM-VALUE :NAME "RED" :INDEX 1 :VALUE :RED) (MAKE-INSTANCE 'PROTOBUF-ENUM-VALUE :NAME "GREEN" :INDEX 2 :VALUE :GREEN) (MAKE-INSTANCE 'PROTOBUF-ENUM-VALUE :NAME "BLUE" :INDEX 3 :VALUE :BLUE)))) :MESSAGES (LIST (MAKE-INSTANCE 'PROTOBUF-MESSAGE :NAME "Color" :CLASS 'COLOR :CONC-NAME "COLOR-" :ENUMS (LIST (MAKE-INSTANCE 'PROTOBUF-ENUM :NAME "ContrastName" :CLASS 'CONTRAST-NAME :VALUES (LIST (MAKE-INSTANCE 'PROTOBUF-ENUM-VALUE :NAME "LOW" :INDEX 1 :VALUE :LOW) (MAKE-INSTANCE 'PROTOBUF-ENUM-VALUE :NAME "HIGH" :INDEX 100 :VALUE :HIGH)))) :MESSAGES (LIST) :FIELDS (LIST (MAKE-INSTANCE 'PROTOBUF-FIELD :NAME "color" :TYPE "ColorName" :CLASS 'COLOR-NAME :REQUIRED :REQUIRED :INDEX 1 :VALUE 'COLOR :DEFAULT NIL :PACKED NIL) (MAKE-INSTANCE 'PROTOBUF-FIELD :NAME "contrast" :TYPE "ContrastName" :CLASS 'CONTRAST-NAME :REQUIRED :OPTIONAL :INDEX 2 :VALUE 'CONTRAST :DEFAULT "LOW" :PACKED NIL)))) :SERVICES (LIST (MAKE-INSTANCE 'PROTOBUF-SERVICE :NAME "ColorWheel" :CLASS 'COLOR-WHEEL :RPCS (LIST (MAKE-INSTANCE 'PROTOBUF-RPC :NAME "GetColor" :CLASS 'GET-COLOR :INPUT-TYPE NIL :OUTPUT-TYPE "Color" :OPTIONS (LIST)) (MAKE-INSTANCE 'PROTOBUF-RPC :NAME "SetColor" :CLASS 'SET-COLOR :INPUT-TYPE "Color" :OUTPUT-TYPE "Color" :OPTIONS (LIST (MAKE-INSTANCE 'PROTOBUF-OPTION :NAME "deadline" :VALUE "1.0"))))))))) ;; The output should be example the same as the output of 'write-protobuf' above (proto:write-protobuf *color-wheel*) ;; How does the Lisp version look? (proto:write-protobuf *color-wheel* :type :lisp) (setq clr (make-instance 'color :color :red)) (setq cser (proto:serialize-object-to-stream clr *color-wheel* :stream nil)) (proto:print-text-format clr *color-wheel*) (proto:print-text-format (proto:deserialize-object 'color *color-wheel* cser 0) *color-wheel*) ||# #|| (let ((ps "package ita.color; import \"descriptor.proto\"; enum ColorName { RED = 1; GREEN = 2; BLUE = 3; } message Color { enum ContrastName { LOW = 1; HIGH = 100; } required ColorName color = 1; optional ContrastName contrast = 2 [default = LOW]; } service ColorWheel { rpc GetColor () returns (Color); rpc SetColor (Color) returns (Color) { option deadline = \"1.0\"; } }")) (with-input-from-string (s ps) (setq ppp (parse-protobuf-from-stream s)))) (proto:write-protobuf ppp) (proto:write-protobuf ppp :type :lisp) ||#