Set program PuTTY Set makefile Makefile.mpw # Run Make, then execute its output. Echo "# `Date -t` ----- Build of {program}." Echo "# `Date -t` ----- Analyzing dependencies." Begin Echo "Set Echo 1" Make "{program}" {"Parameters"} -f "{makefile}" End > "{program}".makeout Echo "# `Date -t` ----- Executing build commands." "{program}".makeout Delete "{program}".makeout Echo "# `Date -t` ----- Done." Set type "`files -i -n -x t "{program}" ³ Dev:Null || Set Status 0`" Set CaseSensitive True #filetype check for DA must be case sensitive If "{type}" =~ /Å APPL/ OR "{type}" =~ /Å MPST/ # application or tool Echo -n ¶t; Quote -n "{program}"; Echo -n " " Else If "{type}" =~ /Å DFIL/ # desk accessory in Suitcase Echo -n ¶t Quote -n "Font/DA Mover" "{SystemFolder}"System "{program}"; Echo -n " # Install DA" Else If "{type}" =~ /Å dfil/ # desk accessory (System 7) Echo -n ¶t Quote -n Duplicate -y "{program}" "{SystemFolder}Apple Menu Items"; Echo -n " # Install DA into Apple Menu" End