;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; Confidential and proprietary information of ITA Software, Inc. ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2012 ITA Software, Inc. All rights reserved. ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; Original author: Scott McKay ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (in-package "PROTO-IMPL") ;;; Protol buffers model classes (defvar *all-protobufs* (make-hash-table :test #'equal) "A table mapping names to 'protobuf' schemas.") (defun find-protobuf (name) "Given a name (a string or a symbol), return the 'protobuf' schema having that name." (gethash name *all-protobufs*)) ;; A few things (the pretty printer) want to keep track of the current schema (defvar *protobuf* nil) (defvar *protobuf-package* nil) ;;; The model classes (defclass abstract-protobuf () ()) (defclass base-protobuf (abstract-protobuf) ((name :type (or null string) ;the name of this .proto file/enum/message, etc :reader proto-name :initarg :name :initform nil) (class :type (or null symbol) ;a Lisp "class name" for this object :accessor proto-class :initarg :class :initform nil) (options :type (list-of protobuf-option) ;options, mostly just passed along :accessor proto-options :initarg :options :initform ()) (doc :type (or null string) ;documentation for this object :accessor proto-documentation :initarg :documentation :initform nil)) (:documentation "The base class for all Protobufs model classes.")) ;; The protobuf, corresponds to one .proto file (defclass protobuf (base-protobuf) ((syntax :type (or null string) ;syntax, passed on but otherwise ignored :accessor proto-syntax :initarg :syntax :initform "proto2") (package :type (or null string) ;the package :accessor proto-package :initarg :package :initform nil) ;;---*** We need to support 'import' properly (imports :type (list-of string) ;any imports :accessor proto-imports :initarg :imports :initform ()) (optimize :type (member nil :space :speed) :accessor proto-optimize :initarg :optimize :initform nil) (enums :type (list-of protobuf-enum) ;the set of enum types :accessor proto-enums :initarg :enums :initform ()) (messages :type (list-of protobuf-message) ;the set of messages :accessor proto-messages :initarg :messages :initform ()) (services :type (list-of protobuf-service) :accessor proto-services :initarg :services :initform ())) (:documentation "The model class that represents a Protobufs schema, i.e., one .proto file.")) (defmethod print-object ((p protobuf) stream) (print-unprintable-object (p stream :type t :identity t) (format stream "~@[~A~]~@[ (package ~A)~]" (proto-name p) (proto-package p)))) (defgeneric find-message-for-class (protobuf class) (:documentation "Given a protobuf schema or message and a class or class name, returns the protobuf message corresponding to the class.")) (defgeneric find-enum-for-type (protobuf type) (:documentation "Given a protobuf schema or message and the name of an enum type, returns the protobuf enum corresponding to the type.")) (defmethod find-message-for-class ((protobuf protobuf) (class symbol)) (or (find class (proto-messages protobuf) :key #'proto-class) (find class (proto-messages protobuf) :key #'proto-class-override) (some #'(lambda (msg) (find-message-for-class msg class)) (proto-messages protobuf)))) (defmethod find-message-for-class ((protobuf protobuf) (class class)) (find-message-for-class protobuf (class-name class))) (defmethod find-message-for-class ((protobuf protobuf) (class string)) (or (find class (proto-messages protobuf) :key #'proto-name :test #'string=) (some #'(lambda (msg) (find-message-for-class msg class)) (proto-messages protobuf)))) (defmethod find-enum-for-type ((protobuf protobuf) type) (or (find type (proto-enums protobuf) :key #'proto-class) (find type (proto-enums protobuf) :key #'proto-class-override) (some #'(lambda (msg) (find-enum-for-type msg type)) (proto-messages protobuf)))) (defmethod find-enum-for-type ((protobuf protobuf) (type string)) (or (find type (proto-enums protobuf) :key #'proto-name :test #'string=) (some #'(lambda (msg) (find-enum-for-type msg type)) (proto-messages protobuf)))) ;;--- For now, we support only the built-in options ;;--- We will want to extend this to customizable options as well (defclass protobuf-option (abstract-protobuf) ((name :type string ;the key :reader proto-name :initarg :name) (value :type (or null string) ;the value :accessor proto-value :initarg :value :initform nil)) (:documentation "The model class that represents a Protobufs options, i.e., a keyword/value pair.")) (defmethod print-object ((o protobuf-option) stream) (print-unprintable-object (o stream :type t :identity t) (format stream "~A~@[ = ~S~]" (proto-name o) (proto-value o)))) (defun cl-user::protobuf-option (stream option colon-p atsign-p) (cond (colon-p ;~:/protobuf-option/ -- .proto format (format stream "~A~@[ = ~S~]" (proto-name option) (proto-value option))) (atsign-p ;~@/protobuf-option/ -- .lisp format (format stream "~S ~S" (proto-name option) (proto-value option))) (t ;~/protobuf-option/ -- keyword/value format (format stream "~(:~A~) ~S" (proto-name option) (proto-value option))))) ;; A protobuf enumeration (defclass protobuf-enum (base-protobuf) ((class-override :type (or null symbol) ;use this if you want to "overlay" an existing class :accessor proto-class-override :initarg :class-override :initform nil) (values :type (list-of protobuf-enum-value) ;all the values for this enum type :accessor proto-values :initarg :values :initform ())) (:documentation "The model class that represents a Protobufs enumeration type.")) (defmethod print-object ((e protobuf-enum) stream) (print-unprintable-object (e stream :type t :identity t) (format stream "~A~@[ (~S)~]" (proto-name e) (or (proto-class-override e) (proto-class e))))) ;; A protobuf value within an enumeration (defclass protobuf-enum-value (base-protobuf) ((index :type (integer #.(- (ash 1 31)) #.(1- (ash 1 31))) :accessor proto-index ;the index of the enum value :initarg :index) (value :type (or null symbol) :accessor proto-value ;the Lisp value of the enum :initarg :value :initform nil)) (:documentation "The model class that represents a Protobufs enumeration value.")) (defmethod print-object ((v protobuf-enum-value) stream) (print-unprintable-object (v stream :type t :identity t) (format stream "~A = ~D~@[ (~S)~]" (proto-name v) (proto-index v) (proto-value v)))) ;; A protobuf message (defclass protobuf-message (base-protobuf) ((conc :type (or null string) ;the conc-name used for Lisp accessors :accessor proto-conc-name :initarg :conc-name :initform nil) (class-override :type (or null symbol) ;use this if you want to "overlay" an existing class :accessor proto-class-override :initarg :class-override :initform nil) (enums :type (list-of protobuf-enum) ;the embedded enum types :accessor proto-enums :initarg :enums :initform ()) (messages :type (list-of protobuf-message) ;the embedded messages :accessor proto-messages :initarg :messages :initform ()) (fields :type (list-of protobuf-field) ;the fields :accessor proto-fields :initarg :fields :initform ()) (extensions :type (list-of protobuf-extension) ;any extensions :accessor proto-extensions :initarg :extensions :initform ())) (:documentation "The model class that represents a Protobufs message.")) (defmethod print-object ((m protobuf-message) stream) (print-unprintable-object (m stream :type t :identity t) (format stream "~A~@[ (~S)~]" (proto-name m) (or (proto-class-override m) (proto-class m))))) (defmethod find-message-for-class ((message protobuf-message) (class symbol)) (or (find class (proto-messages message) :key #'proto-class) (find class (proto-messages message) :key #'proto-class-override))) (defmethod find-message-for-class ((message protobuf-message) (class class)) (find-message-for-class message (class-name class))) (defmethod find-message-for-class ((message protobuf-message) (class string)) (find class (proto-messages message) :key #'proto-name :test #'string=)) (defmethod find-enum-for-type ((message protobuf-message) type) (or (find type (proto-enums message) :key #'proto-class) (find type (proto-enums message) :key #'proto-class-override))) (defmethod find-enum-for-type ((message protobuf-message) (type string)) (find type (proto-enums message) :key #'proto-name :test #'string=)) ;; A protobuf field within a message ;;--- Support the 'deprecated' option (should serialization ignore such fields?) (defclass protobuf-field (base-protobuf) ((type :type string ;the name of the Protobuf type for the field :accessor proto-type :initarg :type) (required :type (member :required :optional :repeated) :accessor proto-required :initarg :required) (index :type (integer 1 #.(1- (ash 1 29))) ;the index number for this field :accessor proto-index :initarg :index) (value :type (or null symbol) ;the Lisp slot holding the value within an object :accessor proto-value :initarg :value :initform nil) (reader :type (or null symbol) ;a reader that is used to access the value :accessor proto-reader ;if it's supplied, it's used instead of 'value' :initarg :reader :initform nil) (default :type (or null string) ;default value, pulled out of the options :accessor proto-default :initarg :default :initform nil) (packed :type (member t nil) ;packed, pulled out of the options :accessor proto-packed :initarg :packed :initform nil)) (:documentation "The model class that represents one field within a Protobufs message.")) (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((field protobuf-field) &rest initargs) (declare (ignore initargs)) (when (slot-boundp field 'index) (assert (not (<= 19000 (proto-index field) 19999)) () "Protobuf field indexes between 19000 and 19999 are not allowed"))) (defmethod print-object ((f protobuf-field) stream) (print-unprintable-object (f stream :type t :identity t) (format stream "~A ~A~:[~*~*~; (~S~@[ :: ~S~])~] = ~D" (proto-type f) (proto-name f) (or (proto-value f) (proto-class f)) (proto-value f) (proto-class f) (proto-index f)))) ;; An extension within a message ;;---*** We need to support 'extends', which depends on supporting 'import' (defclass protobuf-extension (abstract-protobuf) ((from :type (integer 1 #.(1- (ash 1 29))) ;the index number for this field :accessor proto-extension-from :initarg :from) (to :type (integer 1 #.(1- (ash 1 29))) ;the index number for this field :accessor proto-extension-to :initarg :to)) (:documentation "The model class that represents an extension with a Protobufs message.")) (defmethod print-object ((e protobuf-extension) stream) (print-unprintable-object (e stream :type t :identity t) (format stream "~D - ~D" (proto-extension-from e) (proto-extension-from e)))) ;; A protobuf service (defclass protobuf-service (base-protobuf) ((rpcs :type (list-of protobuf-rpc) ;the RPCs in the service :accessor proto-rpcs :initarg :rpcs :initform ())) (:documentation "The model class that represents a Protobufs service.")) (defmethod print-object ((s protobuf-service) stream) (print-unprintable-object (s stream :type t :identity t) (format stream "~A" (proto-name s)))) ;; A protobuf RPC within a service (defclass protobuf-rpc (base-protobuf) ((itype :type (or null string) ;the name of the input message type :accessor proto-input-type :initarg :input-type :initform nil) (iclass :type (or null symbol) ;the name of the input message Lisp class :accessor proto-input-class :initarg :input-class :initform nil) (otype :type (or null string) ;the name of the output message type :accessor proto-output-type :initarg :output-type :initform nil) (oclass :type (or null symbol) ;the name of the output message Lisp class :accessor proto-output-class :initarg :output-class :initform nil)) (:documentation "The model class that represents one RPC with a Protobufs service.")) (defmethod print-object ((r protobuf-rpc) stream) (print-unprintable-object (r stream :type t :identity t) (format stream "~A (~@[~A~]) => (~@[~A~])" (or (proto-function r) (proto-name r)) (or (proto-input-class r) (proto-input-type r)) (or (proto-output-class r) (proto-output-type r))))) ;; The 'class' slot really holds the name of the function, ;; so let's give it a better name (defmethod proto-function ((rpc protobuf-rpc)) (proto-class rpc)) (defmethod (setf proto-function) (function (rpc protobuf-rpc)) (setf (proto-function rpc) function))