;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; Free Software published under an MIT-like license. See LICENSE ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Google, Inc. All rights reserved. ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; Original author: Scott McKay ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (in-package "PROTO-IMPL") ;;; Protobufs schema pretty printing (defun write-schema (protobuf &rest keys &key (stream *standard-output*) (type :proto) &allow-other-keys) "Writes the object 'protobuf' (schema, message, enum, etc) onto the stream 'stream' in the format given by 'type' (:proto, :text, etc)." (let ((*protobuf* protobuf)) (apply #'write-schema-as type protobuf stream keys))) (defgeneric write-schema-as (type protobuf stream &key indentation &allow-other-keys) (:documentation "Writes the protobuf object 'protobuf' (schema, message, enum, etc) onto the given stream 'stream' in the format given by 'type' (:proto, :text, etc). If 'more' is true, this means there are more enum values, fields, etc to be written after the current one.")) (defgeneric write-schema-header (type schema stream) (:documentation "Writes a header for the schema onto the given stream 'stream' in the format given by 'type' (:proto, :text, etc).")) (defgeneric write-schema-documentation (type docstring stream &key indentation) (:documentation "Writes the docstring as a \"block comment\" onto the given stream 'stream' in the format given by 'type' (:proto, :text, etc).")) ;;; Pretty print a schema as a .proto file (defmethod write-schema-as ((type (eql :proto)) (schema protobuf-schema) stream &key (indentation 0)) (with-prefixed-accessors (documentation syntax package imports options) (proto- schema) (when documentation (write-schema-documentation type documentation stream :indentation indentation)) (when syntax (format stream "~&syntax = \"~A\";~%~%" syntax)) (when package (format stream "~&package ~A;~%~%" (substitute #\_ #\- package))) (when imports (dolist (import imports) (format stream "~&import \"~A\";~%" import)) (terpri stream)) (write-schema-header type schema stream) (when options (dolist (option options) (format stream "~&option ~:/protobuf-option/;~%" option)) (terpri stream)) (loop for (enum . more) on (proto-enums schema) doing (write-schema-as type enum stream :indentation indentation :more more) (terpri stream)) (loop for (alias . more) on (proto-type-aliases schema) doing (write-schema-as type alias stream :indentation indentation :more more) (terpri stream)) (loop for (msg . more) on (proto-messages schema) doing (write-schema-as type msg stream :indentation indentation :more more) (terpri stream)) (loop for (svc . more) on (proto-services schema) doing (write-schema-as type svc stream :indentation indentation :more more) (terpri stream)))) (defmethod write-schema-documentation ((type (eql :proto)) docstring stream &key (indentation 0)) (let ((lines (split-string docstring :separators '(#\newline #\return)))) (dolist (line lines) (format stream "~&~@[~VT~]// ~A~%" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation) line)))) ;; Lisp was born in 1958 :-) (defparameter *lisp-options* '(("lisp_package" string 195801) ("lisp_name" string 195802) ("lisp_alias" string 195803) ("lisp_type" string 195804) ("lisp_class" string 195805) ("lisp_slot" string 195806))) (defparameter *option-types* '(("allow_alias" boolean) ("ctype" symbol) ("deadline" float) ("deprecated" symbol) ("optimize_for" symbol) ("packed" boolean) ("protocol" symbol) ("stream_type" string) ;; Keep the rest of these in alphabetical order ("cc_api_version" integer) ("cc_generic_services" symbol) ("go_api_version" integer) ("go_generic_services" symbol) ("go_package" string) ("java_api_version" integer) ("java_generic_services" symbol) ("java_java5_enums" boolean) ("java_multiple_files" boolean) ("java_outer_classname" string) ("java_package" string) ("java_use_javaproto2" boolean) ("py_api_version" integer) ("py_generic_services" symbol))) (defmethod write-schema-header ((type (eql :proto)) (schema protobuf-schema) stream) (when (any-lisp-option schema) (format stream "~&import \"net/proto2/proto/descriptor.proto\";~%~%") (format stream "~&extend proto2.MessageOptions {~%") (loop for (option type index) in *lisp-options* doing (format stream "~& optional ~(~A~) ~A = ~D;~%" type option index)) (format stream "~&}~%~%"))) (defgeneric any-lisp-option (schema) (:documentation "Returns true iff there is anything in the schema that would require that the .proto file include and extend 'MessageOptions'.") (:method ((schema protobuf-schema)) (labels ((find-one (protobuf) (dolist (enum (proto-enums protobuf)) (with-prefixed-accessors (name class alias-for) (proto- enum) (when (or alias-for (and class (not (string-equal name (class-name->proto class))) class)) (return-from any-lisp-option t)))) (dolist (msg (proto-messages protobuf)) (with-prefixed-accessors (name class alias-for) (proto- msg) (when (or alias-for (and class (not (string-equal name (class-name->proto class))) class)) (return-from any-lisp-option t)))) (map () #'find-one (proto-messages protobuf)))) (find-one schema) nil))) (defun cl-user::protobuf-option (stream option colon-p atsign-p) (let* ((type (or (second (find (proto-name option) *option-types* :key #'first :test #'string=)) (proto-type option))) (value (proto-value option))) (cond (colon-p ;~:/protobuf-option/ -- .proto format (let ((fmt-control (cond ((find (proto-name option) *lisp-options* :key #'first :test #'string=) (case type ((symbol) "(~A)~@[ = ~A~]") ((boolean) "(~A)~@[ = ~(~A~)~]") (otherwise (cond ((typep value 'standard-object) ;; If the value is an instance of some class, ;; then it must be some sort of complex option, ;; so print the value using the text format (setq value (with-output-to-string (s) (print-text-format value nil :stream s :print-name nil :suppress-line-breaks t))) "(~A)~@[ = ~A~]") (t "(~A)~@[ = ~S~]"))))) (t (case type ((symbol) "~A~@[ = ~A~]") ((boolean) "~A~@[ = ~(~A~)~]") (otherwise (cond ((typep value 'standard-object) (setq value (with-output-to-string (s) (print-text-format value nil :stream s :print-name nil :suppress-line-breaks t))) "~A~@[ = ~A~]") (t "~A~@[ = ~S~]")))))))) (format stream fmt-control (proto-name option) value))) (atsign-p ;~@/protobuf-option/ -- string/value format (let ((fmt-control (if (eq type 'symbol) "~(~S~) ~A" "~(~S~) ~S"))) (format stream fmt-control (proto-name option) value))) (t ;~/protobuf-option/ -- keyword/value format (let ((fmt-control (if (eq type 'symbol) "~(:~A~) ~A" "~(:~A~) ~S"))) (format stream fmt-control (proto-name option) value)))))) (defun cl-user::source-location (stream location colon-p atsign-p) (declare (ignore colon-p atsign-p)) (format stream "(~S ~D ~D)" (source-location-pathname location) (source-location-start-pos location) (source-location-end-pos location))) (defmethod write-schema-as ((type (eql :proto)) (enum protobuf-enum) stream &key (indentation 0) more) (declare (ignore more)) (with-prefixed-accessors (name class alias-for documentation options) (proto- enum) (when documentation (write-schema-documentation type documentation stream :indentation indentation)) (format stream "~&~@[~VT~]enum ~A {~%" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation) (maybe-qualified-name enum)) (let ((other (and class (not (string-equal name (class-name->proto class))) class))) (when other (format stream "~&~VToption (lisp_name) = \"~A:~A\";~%" (+ indentation 2) (package-name (symbol-package class)) (symbol-name class)))) (when alias-for (format stream "~&~VToption (lisp_alias) = \"~A:~A\";~%" (+ indentation 2) (package-name (symbol-package alias-for)) (symbol-name alias-for))) (dolist (option options) (format stream "~&option ~:/protobuf-option/;~%" option)) (loop for (value . more) on (proto-values enum) doing (write-schema-as type value stream :indentation (+ indentation 2) :more more)) (format stream "~&~@[~VT~]}~%" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation)))) (defparameter *protobuf-enum-comment-column* 56) (defmethod write-schema-as ((type (eql :proto)) (val protobuf-enum-value) stream &key (indentation 0) more) (declare (ignore more)) (with-prefixed-accessors (name documentation index) (proto- val) (format stream "~&~@[~VT~]~A = ~D;~:[~2*~;~VT// ~A~]~%" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation) (maybe-qualified-name val) index documentation *protobuf-enum-comment-column* documentation))) (defmethod write-schema-as ((type (eql :proto)) (alias protobuf-type-alias) stream &key (indentation 0) more) (declare (ignore more)) (with-prefixed-accessors (name lisp-type proto-type) (proto- alias) (let ((comment (format nil "Note: there is an alias ~A that maps Lisp ~(~S~) to Protobufs ~(~A~)" name lisp-type proto-type))) (write-schema-documentation type comment stream :indentation indentation)) (format stream "~&~@[~VT~]~%" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation)))) (defmethod write-schema-as ((type (eql :proto)) (message protobuf-message) stream &key (indentation 0) more index arity) (declare (ignore more arity)) (let ((*protobuf* message)) (with-prefixed-accessors (name class alias-for message-type documentation options) (proto- message) (cond ((eq message-type :group) ;; If we've got a group, the printer for fields has already ;; printed a partial line (nice modularity, huh?) (format stream "group ~A = ~D {~%" name index) (let ((other (and class (not (string-equal name (class-name->proto class))) class))) (when other (format stream "~&~VToption (lisp_name) = \"~A:~A\";~%" (+ indentation 2) (package-name (symbol-package class)) (symbol-name class)))) (when alias-for (format stream "~&~VToption (lisp_alias) = \"~A:~A\";~%" (+ indentation 2) (package-name (symbol-package alias-for)) (symbol-name alias-for))) (dolist (option options) (format stream "~&~VToption ~:/protobuf-option/;~%" (+ indentation 2) option)) (loop for (enum . more) on (proto-enums message) doing (write-schema-as type enum stream :indentation (+ indentation 2) :more more)) (loop for (field . more) on (proto-fields message) doing (write-schema-as type field stream :indentation (+ indentation 2) :more more :message message)) (format stream "~&~@[~VT~]}~%" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation))) (t (when documentation (write-schema-documentation type documentation stream :indentation indentation)) (format stream "~&~@[~VT~]~A ~A {~%" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation) (if (eq message-type :message) "message" "extend") (maybe-qualified-name message)) (let ((other (and class (not (string-equal name (class-name->proto class))) class))) (when other (format stream "~&~VToption (lisp_name) = \"~A:~A\";~%" (+ indentation 2) (package-name (symbol-package class)) (symbol-name class)))) (when alias-for (format stream "~&~VToption (lisp_alias) = \"~A:~A\";~%" (+ indentation 2) (package-name (symbol-package alias-for)) (symbol-name alias-for))) (dolist (option options) (format stream "~&~VToption ~:/protobuf-option/;~%" (+ indentation 2) option)) (cond ((eq message-type :extends) (loop for (field . more) on (proto-extended-fields message) doing (write-schema-as type field stream :indentation (+ indentation 2) :more more :message message))) (t (loop for (enum . more) on (proto-enums message) doing (write-schema-as type enum stream :indentation (+ indentation 2) :more more)) (loop for (msg . more) on (proto-messages message) doing (unless (eq (proto-message-type msg) :group) (write-schema-as type msg stream :indentation (+ indentation 2) :more more))) (loop for (field . more) on (proto-fields message) doing (write-schema-as type field stream :indentation (+ indentation 2) :more more :message message)) (loop for (extension . more) on (proto-extensions message) doing (write-schema-as type extension stream :indentation (+ indentation 2) :more more)))) (format stream "~&~@[~VT~]}~%" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation))))))) (defun maybe-qualified-name (x &optional name) "Given a message, return a fully qualified name if the short name is not sufficient to name the message in the current scope." (etypecase x ((or protobuf-message protobuf-enum protobuf-enum-value protobuf-type-alias) (cond ((string= (make-qualified-name (proto-parent x) (proto-name x)) (proto-qualified-name x)) (proto-name x)) (t (proto-qualified-name x)))) (null name))) (defparameter *protobuf-field-comment-column* 56) (defmethod write-schema-as ((type (eql :proto)) (field protobuf-field) stream &key (indentation 0) more message) (declare (ignore more)) (with-prefixed-accessors (name documentation required type index packed options) (proto- field) (let* ((class (if (eq (proto-class field) 'boolean) :bool (proto-class field))) (msg (and (not (keywordp class)) (or (find-message message class) (find-enum message class) (find-type-alias message class))))) (cond ((and (typep msg 'protobuf-message) (eq (proto-message-type msg) :group)) (format stream "~&~@[~VT~]~(~A~) " (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation) required) (write-schema-as :proto msg stream :indentation indentation :index index :arity required)) (t (let* ((defaultp (if (proto-alias-for message) ;; Special handling for imported CLOS classes (if (eq (proto-required field) :optional) nil (and (proto-default field) (not (equalp (proto-default field) #())) (not (empty-default-p field)))) (not (empty-default-p field)))) (default (proto-default field)) (default (and defaultp (cond ((and (typep msg 'protobuf-enum) (or (stringp default) (symbolp default))) (let ((e (find default (proto-values msg) :key #'proto-name :test #'string=))) (and e (proto-name e)))) ((eq class :bool) (if (boolean-true-p default) "true" "false")) (t default)))) (default (and defaultp (if (stringp default) (escape-string default) default)))) (if (typep msg 'protobuf-type-alias) (format stream "~&~@[~VT~]~(~A~) ~(~A~) ~A = ~D~ ~:[~*~; [default = ~S]~]~@[ [packed = true]~*~]~{ [~:/protobuf-option/]~};~ ~:[~2*~;~VT// ~A~]~%" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation) required (proto-proto-type msg) name index defaultp default packed options t *protobuf-field-comment-column* (format nil "alias maps Lisp ~(~S~) to Protobufs ~(~A~)" (proto-lisp-type msg) (proto-proto-type msg))) (format stream (if (and (keywordp class) (not (eq class :bool))) ;; Keyword class means a primitive type, print default with ~S "~&~@[~VT~]~(~A~) ~A ~A = ~D~ ~:[~*~; [default = ~S]~]~@[ [packed = true]~*~]~{ [~:/protobuf-option/]~};~ ~:[~2*~;~VT// ~A~]~%" ;; Non-keyword class means an enum type, print default with ~A" "~&~@[~VT~]~(~A~) ~A ~A = ~D~ ~:[~*~; [default = ~A]~]~@[ [packed = true]~*~]~{ [~:/protobuf-option/]~};~ ~:[~2*~;~VT// ~A~]~%") (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation) required (maybe-qualified-name msg type) name index defaultp default packed options documentation *protobuf-field-comment-column* documentation)))))))) (defun escape-string (string) (if (every #'(lambda (ch) (and (standard-char-p ch) (graphic-char-p ch))) string) string (with-output-to-string (s) (loop for ch across string as esc = (escape-char ch) do (format s "~A" esc))))) (defmethod write-schema-as ((type (eql :proto)) (extension protobuf-extension) stream &key (indentation 0) more) (declare (ignore more)) (with-prefixed-accessors (from to) (proto-extension- extension) (format stream "~&~@[~VT~]extensions ~D~:[~*~; to ~D~];~%" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation) from (not (eql from to)) (if (eql to #.(1- (ash 1 29))) "max" to)))) (defmethod write-schema-as ((type (eql :proto)) (service protobuf-service) stream &key (indentation 0) more) (declare (ignore more)) (with-prefixed-accessors (name documentation) (proto- service) (when documentation (write-schema-documentation type documentation stream :indentation indentation)) (format stream "~&~@[~VT~]service ~A {~%" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation) name) (loop for (method . more) on (proto-methods service) doing (write-schema-as type method stream :indentation (+ indentation 2) :more more)) (format stream "~&~@[~VT~]}~%" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation)))) (defmethod write-schema-as ((type (eql :proto)) (method protobuf-method) stream &key (indentation 0) more) (declare (ignore more)) (with-prefixed-accessors (name documentation input-name output-name streams-name options) (proto- method) (let* ((imsg (find-message *protobuf* input-name)) (omsg (find-message *protobuf* output-name)) (smsg (find-message *protobuf* streams-name)) (iname (maybe-qualified-name imsg)) (oname (maybe-qualified-name omsg)) (sname (maybe-qualified-name smsg))) (when documentation (write-schema-documentation type documentation stream :indentation indentation)) (format stream "~&~@[~VT~]rpc ~A (~@[~A~])~@[ streams (~A)~]~@[ returns (~A)~]" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation) name iname sname oname) (cond (options (format stream " {~%") (dolist (option options) (format stream "~&~@[~VT~]option ~:/protobuf-option/;~%" (+ indentation 2) option)) (format stream "~@[~VT~]}" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation))) (t (format stream ";~%")))))) ;;; Pretty print a schema as a .lisp file (defvar *show-lisp-enum-indexes* t) (defvar *show-lisp-field-indexes* t) (defvar *use-common-lisp-package* nil) (defmethod write-schema-as ((type (eql :lisp)) (schema protobuf-schema) stream &key (indentation 0) (show-field-indexes *show-lisp-field-indexes*) (show-enum-indexes *show-lisp-enum-indexes*) (use-common-lisp *use-common-lisp-package*)) (with-prefixed-accessors (name class documentation package lisp-package imports) (proto- schema) (let* ((optimize (let ((opt (find-option schema "optimize_for"))) (and opt (cond ((string= opt "SPEED") :speed) ((string= opt "CODE_SIZE") :space) (t nil))))) (options (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (string= (proto-name x) "optimize_for")) (proto-options schema))) (pkg (and package (if (stringp package) package (string package)))) (lisp-pkg (and lisp-package (if (stringp lisp-package) lisp-package (string lisp-package)))) (rpc-pkg (and (or lisp-pkg pkg) (format nil "~A-~A" (or lisp-pkg pkg) 'rpc))) (*show-lisp-enum-indexes* show-enum-indexes) (*show-lisp-field-indexes* show-field-indexes) (*use-common-lisp-package* use-common-lisp) (*protobuf-package* (find-proto-package lisp-pkg)) (*protobuf-rpc-package* (find-proto-package rpc-pkg)) ;; If *protobuf-package* has not been defined, print symbols ;; from :common-lisp if *use-common-lisp-package* is true; or ;; :keyword otherwise. This ensures that all symbols will be ;; read back correctly. ;; (The :keyword package does not use any other packages, so ;; all symbols will be printed with package prefixes. ;; Keywords are always printed as :keyword.) (*package* (or *protobuf-package* (when *use-common-lisp-package* (find-package :common-lisp)) (find-package :keyword))) (exports (collect-exports schema))) (when rpc-pkg (let* ((pkg (string-upcase rpc-pkg)) (rpc-exports (remove-if-not #'(lambda (sym) (string= (package-name (symbol-package sym)) pkg)) exports)) (*package* (or *protobuf-rpc-package* (when *use-common-lisp-package* (find-package :common-lisp)) (find-package :keyword)))) (when rpc-exports (format stream "~&(cl:eval-when (:execute :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)~ ~% (cl:unless (cl:find-package \"~A\")~ ~% (cl:defpackage ~A (:use~@[ ~(~S~)~]))))~ ~%(cl:in-package \"~A\")~ ~%(cl:export '(~{~A~^~% ~}))~%~%" pkg pkg (and *use-common-lisp-package* :common-lisp) pkg rpc-exports)))) (when (or lisp-pkg pkg) (let ((pkg (string-upcase (or lisp-pkg pkg)))) (format stream "~&(cl:eval-when (:execute :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)~ ~% (cl:unless (cl:find-package \"~A\")~ ~% (cl:defpackage ~A (:use~@[ ~(~S~)~]))))~ ~%(cl:in-package \"~A\")~ ~%(cl:export '(~{~A~^~% ~}))~%~%" pkg pkg (and *use-common-lisp-package* :common-lisp) pkg (remove-if-not #'(lambda (sym) (string= (package-name (symbol-package sym)) pkg)) exports)))) (when documentation (write-schema-documentation type documentation stream :indentation indentation)) (format stream "~&(proto:define-schema ~(~A~)" (or class name)) (if (or pkg lisp-pkg imports optimize options documentation) (format stream "~% (") (format stream " (")) (let ((spaces "")) (when pkg (format stream "~A:package \"~A\"" spaces pkg) (when (or lisp-pkg imports optimize options documentation) (terpri stream)) (setq spaces " ")) (when lisp-pkg (format stream "~A:lisp-package \"~A\"" spaces lisp-pkg) (when (or imports optimize options documentation) (terpri stream)) (setq spaces " ")) (when imports (cond ((= (length imports) 1) (format stream "~A:import \"~A\"" spaces (car imports))) (t (format stream "~A:import (~{\"~A\"~^ ~})" spaces imports))) (when (or optimize options documentation) (terpri stream)) (setq spaces " ")) (when optimize (format stream "~A:optimize ~(~S~)" spaces optimize) (when (or options documentation) (terpri stream)) (setq spaces " ")) (when options (format stream "~A:options (~{~/protobuf-option/~^ ~})" spaces options) (when documentation (terpri stream)) (setq spaces " ")) (when documentation (format stream "~A:documentation ~S" spaces documentation))) (format stream ")") (loop for (enum . more) on (proto-enums schema) doing (write-schema-as type enum stream :indentation 2 :more more)) (loop for (alias . more) on (proto-type-aliases schema) doing (write-schema-as type alias stream :indentation 2 :more more)) (loop for (msg . more) on (proto-messages schema) doing (write-schema-as type msg stream :indentation 2 :more more)) (loop for (svc . more) on (proto-services schema) doing (write-schema-as type svc stream :indentation 2 :more more))) (format stream ")~%"))) (defmethod write-schema-documentation ((type (eql :lisp)) docstring stream &key (indentation 0)) (let ((lines (split-string docstring :separators '(#\newline #\return)))) (dolist (line lines) (format stream "~&~@[~VT~];; ~A~%" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation) line)))) (defmethod write-schema-header ((type (eql :lisp)) (schema protobuf-schema) stream) (declare (ignorable type stream)) nil) (defmethod write-schema-as ((type (eql :lisp)) (enum protobuf-enum) stream &key (indentation 0) more) (declare (ignore more)) (terpri stream) (with-prefixed-accessors (name class alias-for documentation source-location) (proto- enum) (when documentation (write-schema-documentation type documentation stream :indentation indentation)) (format stream "~@[~VT~](proto:define-enum ~(~S~)" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation) class) (let ((other (and name (string/= name (class-name->proto class)) name))) (cond ((or other alias-for documentation source-location) (format stream "~%~@[~VT~](~:[~2*~;:name ~S~@[~%~VT~]~]~ ~:[~2*~;:alias-for ~(~S~)~@[~%~VT~]~]~ ~:[~2*~;:documentation ~S~@[~%~VT~]~]~ ~:[~*~;:source-location ~/source-location/~])" (+ indentation 4) other other (and (or alias-for documentation source-location) (+ indentation 5)) alias-for alias-for (and (or documentation source-location) (+ indentation 5)) documentation documentation (and source-location (+ indentation 5)) source-location source-location)) (t (format stream " ()")))) (loop for (value . more) on (proto-values enum) doing (write-schema-as type value stream :indentation (+ indentation 2) :more more) (when more (terpri stream))) (format stream ")"))) (defmethod write-schema-as ((type (eql :lisp)) (val protobuf-enum-value) stream &key (indentation 0) more) (declare (ignore more)) (with-prefixed-accessors (value index) (proto- val) (if *show-lisp-enum-indexes* (format stream "~&~@[~VT~](~(~A~) ~D)" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation) value index) (format stream "~&~@[~VT~]~(~A~)" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation) value)))) (defmethod write-schema-as ((type (eql :lisp)) (alias protobuf-type-alias) stream &key (indentation 0) more) (declare (ignore more)) (terpri stream) (with-prefixed-accessors (class lisp-type proto-type serializer deserializer) (proto- alias) (format stream "~@[~VT~](proto:define-type-alias ~(~S~)" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation) class) (format stream " ()") ;no options yet (format stream "~%~@[~VT~]:lisp-type ~(~S~)~ ~%~@[~VT~]:proto-type ~(~A~)~ ~%~@[~VT~]:serializer ~(~S~)~ ~%~@[~VT~]:deserializer ~(~S~))" (+ indentation 2) lisp-type (+ indentation 2) proto-type (+ indentation 2) serializer (+ indentation 2) deserializer))) (defmethod write-schema-as ((type (eql :lisp)) (message protobuf-message) stream &key (indentation 0) more index arity) (declare (ignore more)) (let ((*protobuf* message)) (with-prefixed-accessors (name class alias-for conc-name message-type documentation source-location) (proto- message) (cond ((eq message-type :group) (when documentation (write-schema-documentation type documentation stream :indentation indentation)) (format stream "~&~@[~VT~](proto:define-group ~(~S~)" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation) class) (let ((other (and name (string/= name (class-name->proto class)) name))) (format stream "~%~@[~VT~](:index ~D~@[~%~VT~]~ :arity ~(~S~)~@[~%~VT~]~ ~:[~2*~;:name ~S~@[~%~VT~]~]~ ~:[~2*~;:alias-for ~(~S~)~@[~%~VT~]~]~ ~:[~2*~;:conc-name ~(~S~)~@[~%~VT~]~]~ ~:[~2*~;:documentation ~S~@[~%~VT~]~]~ ~:[~*~;:source-location ~/source-location/~])" (+ indentation 4) index (+ indentation 5) arity (and (or other alias-for conc-name documentation source-location) (+ indentation 5)) other other (and (or alias-for conc-name documentation source-location) (+ indentation 5)) alias-for alias-for (and (or conc-name documentation source-location) (+ indentation 5)) conc-name conc-name (and (or documentation source-location) (+ indentation 5)) documentation documentation (and source-location (+ indentation 5)) source-location source-location)) (loop for (enum . more) on (proto-enums message) doing (write-schema-as type enum stream :indentation (+ indentation 2) :more more) (when more (terpri stream))) (loop for (field . more) on (proto-fields message) doing (write-schema-as type field stream :indentation (+ indentation 2) :more more :message message) (when more (terpri stream)))) (t (when documentation (write-schema-documentation type documentation stream :indentation indentation)) (format stream "~&~@[~VT~](proto:define-~A ~(~S~)" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation) (if (eq message-type :message) "message" "extend") class) (let ((other (and name (string/= name (class-name->proto class)) name))) (cond ((eq message-type :extends) (format stream " ()")) ((or other alias-for conc-name documentation source-location) (format stream "~%~@[~VT~](~:[~2*~;:name ~S~@[~%~VT~]~]~ ~:[~2*~;:alias-for ~(~S~)~@[~%~VT~]~]~ ~:[~2*~;:conc-name ~(~S~)~@[~%~VT~]~]~ ~:[~2*~;:documentation ~S~@[~%~VT~]~]~ ~:[~*~;:source-location ~/source-location/~])" (+ indentation 4) other other (and (or alias-for conc-name documentation source-location) (+ indentation 5)) alias-for alias-for (and (or conc-name documentation source-location) (+ indentation 5)) conc-name conc-name (and (or documentation source-location) (+ indentation 5)) documentation documentation (and source-location (+ indentation 5)) source-location source-location)) (t (format stream " ()")))) (cond ((eq message-type :extends) (loop for (field . more) on (proto-extended-fields message) doing (write-schema-as type field stream :indentation (+ indentation 2) :more more :message message) (when more (terpri stream)))) (t (loop for (enum . more) on (proto-enums message) doing (write-schema-as type enum stream :indentation (+ indentation 2) :more more) (when more (terpri stream))) (loop for (msg . more) on (proto-messages message) doing (unless (eq (proto-message-type msg) :group) (write-schema-as type msg stream :indentation (+ indentation 2) :more more) (when more (terpri stream)))) (loop for (field . more) on (proto-fields message) doing (write-schema-as type field stream :indentation (+ indentation 2) :more more :message message) (when more (terpri stream))) (loop for (extension . more) on (proto-extensions message) doing (write-schema-as type extension stream :indentation (+ indentation 2) :more more) (when more (terpri stream))))))) (format stream ")")))) (defparameter *protobuf-slot-comment-column* 56) (defmethod write-schema-as ((type (eql :lisp)) (field protobuf-field) stream &key (indentation 0) more message) (with-prefixed-accessors (value required index packed options documentation) (proto- field) (let* ((class (if (eq (proto-class field) 'boolean) :bool (proto-class field))) (msg (and (not (keywordp class)) (or (find-message message class) (find-enum message class) (find-type-alias message class)))) (type (let ((cl (case class ((:int32) 'int32) ((:int64) 'int64) ((:uint32) 'uint32) ((:uint64) 'uint64) ((:sint32) 'sint32) ((:sint64) 'sint64) ((:fixed32) 'fixed32) ((:fixed64) 'fixed64) ((:sfixed32) 'sfixed32) ((:sfixed64) 'sfixed64) ((:float) 'float) ((:double) 'double-float) ((:bool) 'boolean) ((:string) 'string) ((:bytes) 'byte-vector) ((:symbol) 'symbol) (otherwise class)))) (cond ((eq required :optional) `(or null ,cl)) ((eq required :repeated) (if (vector-field-p field) `(vector-of ,cl) `(list-of ,cl))) (t cl))))) (cond ((and (typep msg 'protobuf-message) (eq (proto-message-type msg) :group)) (write-schema-as :lisp msg stream :indentation indentation :index index :arity required)) (t (let* ((defaultp (if (proto-alias-for message) (if (eq (proto-required field) :optional) nil (and (proto-default field) (not (equalp (proto-default field) #())) (not (empty-default-p field)))) (not (empty-default-p field)))) (default (proto-default field)) (default (and defaultp (cond ((and (typep msg 'protobuf-enum) (or (stringp default) (symbolp default))) (let ((e (find default (proto-values msg) :key #'proto-name :test #'string=))) (and e (proto-value e)))) ((eq class :bool) (boolean-true-p default)) (t default)))) (default (and defaultp (if (stringp default) (escape-string default) default))) (conc-name (proto-conc-name message)) (reader (when (and (not (eq (proto-reader field) value)) (not (string-equal (proto-reader field) (format nil "~A~A" conc-name value)))) (proto-reader field))) (writer (when (and (not (eq (proto-writer field) value)) (not (string-equal (proto-writer field) (format nil "~A~A" conc-name value)))) (proto-writer field))) (slot-name (if *show-lisp-field-indexes* (format nil "(~(~S~) ~D)" value index) (format nil "~(~S~)" value)))) (format stream (if (and (keywordp class) (not (eq class :bool))) ;; Keyword class means a primitive type, print default with ~S "~&~@[~VT~](~A :type ~(~S~)~:[~*~; :default ~S~]~ ~@[ :reader ~(~S~)~]~@[ :writer ~(~S~)~]~@[ :packed ~(~S~)~]~ ~@[ :options (~{~/protobuf-option/~^ ~})~])~ ~:[~2*~;~VT; ~A~]" ;; Non-keyword class means an enum type, print default with ~(~S~) "~&~@[~VT~](~A :type ~(~S~)~:[~*~; :default ~(~S~)~]~ ~@[ :reader ~(~S~)~]~@[ :writer ~(~S~)~]~@[ :packed ~(~S~)~]~ ~@[ :options (~{~/protobuf-option/~^ ~})~])~ ~:[~2*~;~VT; ~A~]") (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation) slot-name type defaultp default reader writer packed options ;; Don't write the comment if we'll insert a close paren after it (and more documentation) *protobuf-slot-comment-column* documentation))))))) (defmethod write-schema-as ((type (eql :lisp)) (extension protobuf-extension) stream &key (indentation 0) more) (declare (ignore more)) (with-prefixed-accessors (from to) (proto-extension- extension) (format stream "~&~@[~VT~](proto:define-extension ~D ~D)" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation) from (if (eql to #.(1- (ash 1 29))) "max" to)))) (defmethod write-schema-as ((type (eql :lisp)) (service protobuf-service) stream &key (indentation 0) more) (declare (ignore more)) (with-prefixed-accessors (class documentation name source-location) (proto- service) (when documentation (write-schema-documentation type documentation stream :indentation indentation)) (format stream "~&~@[~VT~](proto:define-service ~(~S~)" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation) (proto-class service)) (let ((other (and name (string/= name (class-name->proto (proto-class service))) name))) (cond ((or documentation other source-location) (format stream "~%~@[~VT~](~:[~2*~;:documentation ~S~@[~%~VT~]~]~ ~:[~2*~;:name ~S~@[~%~VT~]~]~ ~:[~*~;:source-location ~/source-location/~])" (+ indentation 4) documentation documentation (and (or documentation source-location) (+ indentation 5)) other other (and source-location (+ indentation 5)) source-location source-location)) (t (format stream " ()")))) (loop for (method . more) on (proto-methods service) doing (write-schema-as type method stream :indentation (+ indentation 2) :more more) (when more (terpri stream))) (format stream ")"))) (defmethod write-schema-as ((type (eql :lisp)) (method protobuf-method) stream &key (indentation 0) more) (declare (ignore more)) (with-prefixed-accessors (class input-type output-type streams-type name input-name output-name streams-name options documentation source-location) (proto- method) (when documentation (write-schema-documentation type documentation stream :indentation indentation)) (format stream "~&~@[~VT~](~(~S~) (" (and (not (zerop indentation)) indentation) class) (if (and input-name (string/= (class-name->proto input-type) input-name)) (format stream "(~(~S~) :name ~S) => " input-type input-name) (format stream "~(~S~) => " input-type)) (if (and output-name (string/= (class-name->proto output-type) output-name)) (format stream "(~(~S~) :name ~S)" output-type output-name) (format stream "~(~S~)" output-type)) (when streams-type (if (and streams-name (string/= (class-name->proto streams-type) streams-name)) (format stream " :streams (~(~S~) :name ~S)" streams-type streams-name) (format stream " :streams ~(~S~)" streams-type))) (format stream ")") (when (and name (string/= (class-name->proto name) name)) (format stream "~%~VT:name ~S" (+ indentation 2) name)) (when options (format stream "~%~VT:options (~{~/protobuf-option/~^ ~})" (+ indentation 2) options)) (format stream ")"))) ;;; Collect symbols to be exported (defgeneric collect-exports (schema) (:documentation "Collect all the symbols that should be exported from a Protobufs package")) (defmethod collect-exports ((schema protobuf-schema)) (delete-duplicates (delete-if #'null (append (mapcan #'collect-exports (proto-enums schema)) (mapcan #'collect-exports (proto-messages schema)) (mapcan #'collect-exports (proto-services schema)))) :from-end t)) ;; Export just the type name (defmethod collect-exports ((enum protobuf-enum)) (list (proto-class enum))) ;; Export the class name and all of the accessor names (defmethod collect-exports ((message protobuf-message)) (append (list (proto-class message)) (mapcan #'collect-exports (proto-messages message)) (mapcan #'collect-exports (proto-fields message)))) ;; Export just the slot accessor name (defmethod collect-exports ((field protobuf-field)) (list (or (proto-reader field) (proto-slot field)))) ;; Export the names of all the methods (defmethod collect-exports ((service protobuf-service)) (mapcan #'collect-exports (proto-methods service))) ;; Export just the method name (defmethod collect-exports ((method protobuf-method)) (list (proto-client-stub method) (proto-server-stub method)))