/* * Windows support module which deals with being a named-pipe server. */ #include #include #define DEFINE_PLUG_METHOD_MACROS #include "tree234.h" #include "putty.h" #include "network.h" #include "proxy.h" #include "ssh.h" #if !defined NO_SECURITY #include Socket make_handle_socket(HANDLE send_H, HANDLE recv_H, Plug plug, int overlapped); typedef struct Socket_named_pipe_server_tag *Named_Pipe_Server_Socket; struct Socket_named_pipe_server_tag { const struct socket_function_table *fn; /* the above variable absolutely *must* be the first in this structure */ /* Parameters for (repeated) creation of named pipe objects */ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR psd; PSID networksid; PACL acl; char *pipename; /* The current named pipe object + attempt to connect to it */ HANDLE pipehandle; OVERLAPPED connect_ovl; /* PuTTY Socket machinery */ Plug plug; char *error; }; static Plug sk_namedpipeserver_plug(Socket s, Plug p) { Named_Pipe_Server_Socket ps = (Named_Pipe_Server_Socket) s; Plug ret = ps->plug; if (p) ps->plug = p; return ret; } static void sk_namedpipeserver_close(Socket s) { Named_Pipe_Server_Socket ps = (Named_Pipe_Server_Socket) s; CloseHandle(ps->pipehandle); CloseHandle(ps->connect_ovl.hEvent); sfree(ps->error); sfree(ps->pipename); if (ps->networksid) LocalFree(ps->networksid); if (ps->acl) LocalFree(ps->acl); if (ps->psd) LocalFree(ps->psd); sfree(ps); } static const char *sk_namedpipeserver_socket_error(Socket s) { Named_Pipe_Server_Socket ps = (Named_Pipe_Server_Socket) s; return ps->error; } static int create_named_pipe(Named_Pipe_Server_Socket ps, int first_instance) { SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.nLength = sizeof(sa); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = ps->psd; sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE; ps->pipehandle = CreateNamedPipe (/* lpName */ ps->pipename, /* dwOpenMode */ PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED | (first_instance ? FILE_FLAG_FIRST_PIPE_INSTANCE : 0), /* dwPipeMode */ PIPE_TYPE_BYTE | PIPE_READMODE_BYTE | PIPE_WAIT #ifdef PIPE_REJECT_REMOTE_CLIENTS | PIPE_REJECT_REMOTE_CLIENTS #endif , /* nMaxInstances */ PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, /* nOutBufferSize, nInBufferSize */ 4096, 4096, /* FIXME: think harder about buffer sizes? */ /* nDefaultTimeOut */ 0 /* default timeout */, /* lpSecurityAttributes */ &sa); return ps->pipehandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } static Socket named_pipe_accept(accept_ctx_t ctx, Plug plug) { HANDLE conn = (HANDLE)ctx.p; return make_handle_socket(conn, conn, plug, TRUE); } static void named_pipe_accept_loop(Named_Pipe_Server_Socket ps, int got_one_already) { while (1) { int error; char *errmsg; if (got_one_already) { /* If we were called with a connection already waiting, * skip this step. */ got_one_already = FALSE; error = 0; } else { /* * Call ConnectNamedPipe, which might succeed or might * tell us that an overlapped operation is in progress and * we should wait for our event object. */ if (ConnectNamedPipe(ps->pipehandle, &ps->connect_ovl)) error = 0; else error = GetLastError(); if (error == ERROR_IO_PENDING) return; } if (error == 0 || error == ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED) { /* * We've successfully retrieved an incoming connection, so * ps->pipehandle now refers to that connection. So * convert that handle into a separate connection-type * Socket, and create a fresh one to be the new listening * pipe. */ HANDLE conn = ps->pipehandle; accept_ctx_t actx; actx.p = (void *)conn; if (plug_accepting(ps->plug, named_pipe_accept, actx)) { /* * If the plug didn't want the connection, might as * well close this handle. */ CloseHandle(conn); } if (!create_named_pipe(ps, FALSE)) { error = GetLastError(); } else { /* * Go round again to see if more connections can be * got, or to begin waiting on the event object. */ continue; } } errmsg = dupprintf("Error while listening to named pipe: %s", win_strerror(error)); plug_log(ps->plug, 1, NULL /* FIXME: appropriate kind of sockaddr */, 0, errmsg, error); sfree(errmsg); break; } } static void named_pipe_connect_callback(void *vps) { Named_Pipe_Server_Socket ps = (Named_Pipe_Server_Socket)vps; named_pipe_accept_loop(ps, TRUE); } Socket new_named_pipe_listener(const char *pipename, Plug plug) { /* * This socket type is only used for listening, so it should never * be asked to write or flush or set_frozen. */ static const struct socket_function_table socket_fn_table = { sk_namedpipeserver_plug, sk_namedpipeserver_close, NULL /* write */, NULL /* write_oob */, NULL /* write_eof */, NULL /* flush */, NULL /* set_frozen */, sk_namedpipeserver_socket_error }; Named_Pipe_Server_Socket ret; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY nt_auth = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; EXPLICIT_ACCESS ea[2]; ret = snew(struct Socket_named_pipe_server_tag); ret->fn = &socket_fn_table; ret->plug = plug; ret->error = NULL; ret->psd = NULL; ret->pipename = dupstr(pipename); ret->networksid = NULL; ret->acl = NULL; assert(strncmp(pipename, "\\\\.\\pipe\\", 9) == 0); assert(strchr(pipename + 9, '\\') == NULL); if (!AllocateAndInitializeSid(&nt_auth, 1, SECURITY_NETWORK_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &ret->networksid)) { ret->error = dupprintf("unable to construct SID for rejecting " "remote pipe connections: %s", win_strerror(GetLastError())); goto cleanup; } memset(ea, 0, sizeof(ea)); ea[0].grfAccessPermissions = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE; ea[0].grfAccessMode = GRANT_ACCESS; ea[0].grfInheritance = NO_INHERITANCE; ea[0].Trustee.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_NAME; ea[0].Trustee.ptstrName = "CURRENT_USER"; ea[1].grfAccessPermissions = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE; ea[1].grfAccessMode = REVOKE_ACCESS; ea[1].grfInheritance = NO_INHERITANCE; ea[1].Trustee.TrusteeForm = TRUSTEE_IS_SID; ea[1].Trustee.ptstrName = (LPTSTR)ret->networksid; if (SetEntriesInAcl(2, ea, NULL, &ret->acl) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ret->error = dupprintf("unable to construct ACL: %s", win_strerror(GetLastError())); goto cleanup; } ret->psd = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) LocalAlloc(LPTR, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_MIN_LENGTH); if (!ret->psd) { ret->error = dupprintf("unable to allocate security descriptor: %s", win_strerror(GetLastError())); goto cleanup; } if (!InitializeSecurityDescriptor(ret->psd,SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION)) { ret->error = dupprintf("unable to initialise security descriptor: %s", win_strerror(GetLastError())); goto cleanup; } if (!SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(ret->psd, TRUE, ret->acl, FALSE)) { ret->error = dupprintf("unable to set DACL in security descriptor: %s", win_strerror(GetLastError())); goto cleanup; } if (!create_named_pipe(ret, TRUE)) { ret->error = dupprintf("unable to create named pipe '%s': %s", pipename, win_strerror(GetLastError())); goto cleanup; } memset(&ret->connect_ovl, 0, sizeof(ret->connect_ovl)); ret->connect_ovl.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); handle_add_foreign_event(ret->connect_ovl.hEvent, named_pipe_connect_callback, ret); named_pipe_accept_loop(ret, FALSE); cleanup: return (Socket) ret; } #endif /* !defined NO_SECURITY */