/* This file is part of the Project Athena Zephyr Notification System. * It is one of the source files comprising zwgc, the Zephyr WindowGram * client. * * Created by: Marc Horowitz * * $Id: xshow.c,v 1.15 1999/08/13 00:19:52 danw Exp $ * * Copyright (c) 1989 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * For copying and distribution information, see the file * "mit-copyright.h". */ #include #if (!defined(lint) && !defined(SABER)) static const char rcsid_xshow_c[] = "$Id: xshow.c,v 1.15 1999/08/13 00:19:52 danw Exp $"; #endif #include #ifndef X_DISPLAY_MISSING #include #include #include #include "pointer_dictionary.h" #include "new_memory.h" #include "formatter.h" #include "variables.h" #include "zwgc.h" #include "X_fonts.h" #include "X_gram.h" #include "xmode_stack.h" #define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) XContext desc_context; static pointer_dictionary colorname_dict = NULL; extern int internal_border_width; extern unsigned long default_bgcolor; extern unsigned long default_fgcolor; extern unsigned long x_string_to_color(); void xshowinit() { desc_context = XUniqueContext(); } struct res_dict_type { pointer_dictionary dict; char * resname_suffix; char * resclass; }; static char *xres_get_resource (restype, style) struct res_dict_type *restype; char *style; { char *desc; pointer_dictionary_binding *binding; int exists; char *value; desc=string_Concat("style.", style); desc=string_Concat2(desc, restype->resname_suffix); if (!restype->dict) restype->dict = pointer_dictionary_Create(37); binding = pointer_dictionary_Define(restype->dict, desc, &exists); if (exists) { free(desc); return((string) binding->value); } else { value=get_string_resource(desc, restype->resclass); free(desc); if (value==NULL) pointer_dictionary_Delete(restype->dict, binding); else binding->value=(pointer) value; return value; /* If resource returns NULL, return NULL also */ } } static struct res_dict_type geometry_resources = { NULL, ".geometry", "StyleKey.Style1.Style2.Style3.GeometryKey", }; static struct res_dict_type bgcolor_resources = { NULL, ".background", "StyleKey.Style1.Style2.Style3.BackgroundKey", }; #define xres_get_geometry(style) xres_get_resource(&geometry_resources,style) #define xres_get_bgcolor(style) xres_get_resource(&bgcolor_resources,style) static struct res_dict_type fgcolor_resources = { NULL, ".foreground", "StyleKey.Style1.Style2.Style3.SubstyleKey.Substyle.ForegroundKey", }; /*ARGSUSED*/ char *mode_to_colorname (dpy, style, mode) Display *dpy; char *style; xmode *mode; { char *desc, *result; desc = string_Concat (style, ".substyle."); desc = string_Concat2 (desc, mode->substyle); result = xres_get_resource (&fgcolor_resources, desc); free (desc); return result; } void fixup_and_draw(dpy, style, auxblocks, blocks, num, lines, numlines, beepcount) Display *dpy; char *style; xblock *blocks; xauxblock *auxblocks; int num; xlinedesc *lines; int numlines; int beepcount; { int gram_xalign = 1; int gram_yalign = 1; int gram_xpos, gram_ypos, gram_xsize, gram_ysize; x_gram *gram; int strindex = 0; int line, block=0; int maxwidth=0, chars=0, maxascent, maxdescent; int ssize, lsize,csize, rsize, width; int i, ascent, descent; int yofs = internal_border_width; int lofs, cofs, rofs; int ystart,yend; char *bgstr, *geometry, xpos[10], ypos[10], xfrom, yfrom; gram = (x_gram *)malloc(sizeof(x_gram)); /* Find total lengths of left, center, and right parts. Also find the length of the longest line and the total number of characters. */ for (line=0; lineascent; descent = auxblocks[block].font->descent; if (ascent>maxascent) maxascent = ascent; if (descent>maxdescent) maxdescent = descent; switch (auxblocks[block].align) { case LEFTALIGN: lsize += ssize; break; case CENTERALIGN: csize += ssize; break; case RIGHTALIGN: rsize += ssize; break; } } /* save what we need to do size fixups */ if (maxascent>lines[line].ascent) lines[line].ascent = maxascent; if (maxdescent>lines[line].descent) lines[line].descent = maxdescent; lines[line].lsize = lsize; lines[line].csize = csize; lines[line].rsize = rsize; /* get width of line and see if it is bigger than the max width */ switch ((lsize?1:0)+(csize?2:0)+(rsize?4:0)) { #ifdef DEBUG default: abort(); #endif case 0: width = 0; break; case 1: width = lsize; break; case 2: width = csize; break; case 3: /* in all these cases, we just want to add the width of *any* space, so the first font will do just fine. */ /* XXX implicit assumption that a line must have at least one block, so that there is indeed a reasonable font in auxblocks[0].font */ width = lsize*2+csize+XTextWidth(auxblocks[0].font," ",1); break; case 4: width = rsize; break; case 5: width = lsize+rsize+XTextWidth(auxblocks[0].font, " ", 1); break; case 6: width = csize+rsize*2+XTextWidth(auxblocks[0].font, " ", 1); break; case 7: width = max(lsize,rsize)*2+csize+ XTextWidth(auxblocks[0].font," ",1)*2; break; } if (width>maxwidth) maxwidth = width; } /* fixup x,y for each block, create big string and indices into it */ /* set x1,y1,x2,y2 of each block also. */ gram->text = (char *)malloc(chars); block = 0; for (line=0; line>1) + internal_border_width; rofs = maxwidth-lines[line].rsize + internal_border_width; ystart = yofs; yofs += lines[line].ascent; yend = yofs+lines[line].descent+1; /* +1 because lines look scrunched without it. */ for (i=0; ifid; switch (auxblocks[block].align) { case LEFTALIGN: blocks[block].x = lofs; blocks[block].x1 = lofs; lofs += auxblocks[block].width; blocks[block].x2 = lofs; break; case CENTERALIGN: blocks[block].x = cofs; blocks[block].x1 = cofs; cofs += auxblocks[block].width; blocks[block].x2 = cofs; break; case RIGHTALIGN: blocks[block].x = rofs; blocks[block].x1 = rofs; rofs += auxblocks[block].width; blocks[block].x2 = rofs; break; } blocks[block].y = yofs; blocks[block].y1 = ystart; blocks[block].y2 = yend; blocks[block].strindex = strindex; blocks[block].strlen = auxblocks[block].len; strncpy(gram->text+strindex, auxblocks[block].str, auxblocks[block].len); strindex += blocks[block].strlen; } yofs = yend; } if ((geometry = var_get_variable("X_geometry")),(geometry[0]=='\0')) if ((geometry = xres_get_geometry(style))==NULL) if ((geometry = var_get_variable("default_X_geometry")), (geometry[0]=='\0')) geometry = "+0+0"; sscanf(geometry, "%c%[0123456789c]%c%[0123456789c]", &xfrom, xpos, &yfrom, ypos); if (xpos[0]=='c') { gram_xalign = 0; gram_xpos = 0; } else gram_xpos = atoi(xpos); if (xfrom=='-') gram_xalign *= -1; if (ypos[0]=='c') { gram_yalign = 0; gram_ypos = 0; } else gram_ypos = atoi(ypos); if (yfrom=='-') gram_yalign *= -1; if ((bgstr = var_get_variable("X_background")),(bgstr[0]=='\0')) if ((bgstr = xres_get_bgcolor(style))==NULL) if ((bgstr = var_get_variable("default_X_background")), (bgstr[0]=='\0')) gram->bgcolor = default_bgcolor; if (bgstr && bgstr[0]) gram->bgcolor = x_string_to_color(bgstr,default_bgcolor); gram_xsize = maxwidth+(internal_border_width<<1); gram_ysize = yofs+internal_border_width; gram->numblocks = num; gram->blocks = blocks; x_gram_create(dpy, gram, gram_xalign, gram_yalign, gram_xpos, gram_ypos, gram_xsize, gram_ysize, beepcount); } /* Silly almost-but-not-quite-useless helper function */ char *no_dots_downcase_var(str) char *str; { register char *var, *var2; var = string_Downcase(var_get_variable(str)); var2 = var; while (*var++) if (*var == '.') *var = '_'; return(var2); } #define MODE_TO_FONT(dpy,style,mode) \ get_font((dpy),(style),(mode)->font?(mode)->font:(mode)->substyle, \ (mode)->size, (mode)->bold+(mode)->italic*2) void xshow(dpy, desc, numstr, numnl) Display *dpy; desctype *desc; int numstr; int numnl; { XFontStruct *font; xmode_stack modes = xmode_stack_create(); xmode curmode; xlinedesc *lines; xblock *blocks; xauxblock *auxblocks; int nextblock=0; int line=0,linestart=0; char *style; int free_style = 0; int beepcount = 0; lines = (xlinedesc *)malloc(sizeof(xlinedesc)*(numnl+1)); blocks = (xblock *)malloc(sizeof(xblock)*numstr); auxblocks = (xauxblock *)malloc(sizeof(xauxblock)*numstr); curmode.bold = 0; curmode.italic = 0; curmode.size = MEDIUM_SIZE; curmode.align = LEFTALIGN; curmode.expcolor = 0; curmode.substyle = string_Copy("default"); curmode.font = NULL; style = var_get_variable("style"); if (style[0] == '\0') { style = string_Concat(no_dots_downcase_var("class"),"."); style = string_Concat2(style,no_dots_downcase_var("instance")); style = string_Concat2(style,"."); style = string_Concat2(style,no_dots_downcase_var("sender")); string_Downcase(style); free_style = 1; } for (; desc->code!=DT_EOF; desc=desc->next) { switch (desc->code) { case DT_ENV: xmode_stack_push(modes, curmode); curmode.substyle = string_Copy(curmode.substyle); if (curmode.font) curmode.font = string_Copy(curmode.font); #define envmatch(string,length) ((desc->len==(length)) && (strncasecmp(desc->str,(string),(length))==0)) if (envmatch("roman",5)) { curmode.bold = 0; curmode.italic = 0; } else if (envmatch("bold",4) || envmatch("b",1)) curmode.bold = 1; else if (envmatch("italic",6)||envmatch("i",1)) curmode.italic = 1; else if (envmatch("large",5)) curmode.size = LARGE_SIZE; else if (envmatch("medium",6)) curmode.size = MEDIUM_SIZE; else if (envmatch("small",5)) curmode.size = SMALL_SIZE; else if (envmatch("left",4)||envmatch("l",1)) curmode.align = LEFTALIGN; else if (envmatch("center",6)||envmatch("c",1)) curmode.align = CENTERALIGN; else if (envmatch("right",5)||envmatch("r",1)) curmode.align = RIGHTALIGN; else if (envmatch("beep",4)) beepcount++; else if (envmatch("font",4)) { /* lookahead needed. desc->next->str should be the font name, and desc->next->next->code should be a DT_END*/ if ((desc->next) && (desc->next->next) && (desc->next->code == DT_STR) && (desc->next->next->code==DT_END)) { /* Since @font mutates the current environment, we have to pop the environment that this case usually pushes */ free(curmode.substyle); curmode = xmode_stack_top(modes); xmode_stack_pop(modes); /* mutating... */ curmode.size=SPECIAL_SIZE; /* This is an @font() */ curmode.font=string_CreateFromData(desc->next->str, desc->next->len); /* skip over the rest of the @font */ desc=desc->next->next; } } else if (envmatch("color",5)) { /* lookahead needed. desc->next->str should be the font name, and desc->next->next->code should be a DT_END*/ if ((desc->next) && (desc->next->next) && (desc->next->code == DT_STR) && (desc->next->next->code==DT_END)) { char *colorname; /* Since @font mutates the current environment, we have to pop the environment that this case usually pushes */ free(curmode.substyle); curmode = xmode_stack_top(modes); xmode_stack_pop(modes); /* mutating... */ colorname=string_CreateFromData(desc->next->str, desc->next->len); curmode.color = x_string_to_color(colorname,default_fgcolor); free(colorname); curmode.expcolor = 1; /* skip over the rest of the @font */ desc=desc->next->next; } } else if (desc->len > 0) { /* avoid @{...} */ free(curmode.substyle); if (curmode.font) { free(curmode.font); curmode.font = NULL; } curmode.substyle = string_CreateFromData(desc->str, desc->len); } break; case DT_STR: auxblocks[nextblock].align = curmode.align; auxblocks[nextblock].font = MODE_TO_FONT(dpy,style,&curmode); auxblocks[nextblock].str = desc->str; auxblocks[nextblock].len = desc->len; if (curmode.expcolor) blocks[nextblock].fgcolor = curmode.color; else blocks[nextblock].fgcolor = x_string_to_color(mode_to_colorname(dpy,style,&curmode), default_fgcolor); nextblock++; break; case DT_END: free(curmode.substyle); curmode = xmode_stack_top(modes); xmode_stack_pop(modes); break; case DT_NL: lines[line].startblock = linestart; lines[line].numblock = nextblock-linestart; font = MODE_TO_FONT(dpy,style,&curmode); lines[line].ascent = font->ascent; lines[line].descent = font->descent; line++; linestart = nextblock; break; } } /* case DT_EOF: will drop through to here. */ if (linestart != nextblock) { lines[line].startblock = linestart; lines[line].numblock = nextblock-linestart; font = MODE_TO_FONT(dpy,style,&curmode); lines[line].ascent = 0; lines[line].descent = 0; line++; } free(curmode.substyle); fixup_and_draw(dpy, style, auxblocks, blocks, nextblock, lines, line, beepcount); free(lines); free(auxblocks); if (free_style) free(style); } static void xhandleevent(dpy, w, event) Display *dpy; Window w; XEvent *event; { x_gram *gram; if (XFindContext(dpy, w, desc_context, (caddr_t *)&gram)) return; if (event->type == Expose) x_gram_expose(dpy, w, gram,&(event->xexpose)); else xcut(dpy, event, desc_context); XFlush(dpy); } void x_get_input(dpy) Display *dpy; { XEvent event; dprintf1("Entering x_get_input(%x).\n",dpy); /* * Kludge to get around lossage in XPending: * * (the problem: XPending on a partial packet returns 0 without * reading in the packet. This causes a problem when the X server * dies in the middle of sending a packet.) */ if (XPending(dpy)==0) XNoOp(dpy); /* Ensure server is still with us... */ while (XPending(dpy)) { XNextEvent(dpy,&event); xhandleevent(dpy, event.xany.window, &event); } } #endif /* X_DISPLAY_MISSING */